During a visit to the Adana Provincial Presidency, where the attack took place, Yapıcıoğlu conveyed his condolences for the loss of Provincial Secretary Sacit Pişgin and wished a swift recovery for the injured Provincial Chairman Salih Demir. He noted that such attacks on their party were not new and that constant targeting during election periods could lead to such assaults.

Yapıcıoğlu stated: "These situations are not unfamiliar to us. We have faced similar attacks both in previous election periods and during this current election period. We had previously warned about the negative consequences that could arise from our party and colleagues being heavily targeted. We emphasized that the language of politics should not be like this."

Emphasizing the importance of a thorough investigation to uncover all aspects of the attack and identify those responsible, Yapıcıoğlu said: "This incident is still very fresh, and we do not know the reason behind it, who carried it out, what their intentions were, or what forces are behind it. Therefore, I do not want to speculate about this incident at the moment. The police and judiciary are handling the matter, and I hope they will conduct a thorough investigation. We want the full disclosure of all aspects of this incident and those involved in it as soon as possible."

The chairman highlighted the obstacles they have encountered in their path, stating: "We know that some individuals are uncomfortable with us sowing seeds of goodness in society and strengthening brotherhood. Throughout history, there have always been those who are disturbed by efforts to improve society and elevate its spirituality, and there will always be such people in the future. They have tried and will continue to try to stop us in various ways."

He further emphasized that no obstacle or attack can deter them from the path they believe is right, saying: "You are wasting your efforts in vain. You will not be able to pull us out of the legal path, frighten us, or prevent us from our services. It is simply not possible. So, I urge you to abandon your nefarious deeds, your detestable actions. Let us work together for the well-being of our people, the elevation of our humanity, and the creation of a more peaceful, prosperous, civilized, and livable society."

Yapıcıoğlu concluded by affirming their commitment to nurturing seeds of goodness and offering condolences for the loss of their brother in faith. He expressed his belief that with the strength gained from his martyrdom, their work will continue with even greater determination, leading to positive outcomes. (ILKHA)