Amirabdollahian stated that the Swedish ambassador in Tehran has completed his mission, and according to the president's directive, the new Swedish ambassador's arrival in Tehran will not be accepted until the Swedish government takes serious action against the individual responsible for insulting the Holy Qur'an.

This decision was conveyed by the Iranian foreign minister after a phone call with his Swedish counterpart, Tobias Billström, during which Amirabdollahian called for legal action and accountability for the person who committed the disrespectful act towards the holy Muslim book. He emphasized that the individual must be detained, tried, and brought to justice. Failure to do so may result in decisive actions from Islamic countries.

The move reflects Iran's strong stance against any disrespect towards the Holy Qur'an and underscores the importance of taking swift and appropriate measures to address such incidents. The diplomatic relations between Iran and Sweden have been impacted by this incident, and the situation remains sensitive pending the Swedish government's response to the issue. (ILKHA)