President Tebboune arrived in İstanbul for a working visit, upon an invitation extended by President Erdoğan. The meeting commenced with a warm ceremony, reflecting the amicable ties between the two nations.

During their tête-à-tête, President Erdoğan and President Tebboune engaged in discussions about various matters of mutual interest, exploring opportunities for further enhancing cooperation between Turkey and Algeria.

Following the one-on-one discussions, the leaders co-chaired a meeting with their respective delegations, aimed at fostering stronger bilateral ties and exploring avenues for collaboration in diverse sectors.

President Erdoğan, in a gesture of hospitality and friendship, also hosted a dinner in honor of President Tebboune, further solidifying the bonds between the two countries.

The meeting and subsequent events highlight the commitment of both leaders to strengthen diplomatic relations and underscore the importance of fostering collaboration for the mutual benefit of Turkey and Algeria. The visit is expected to pave the way for enhanced economic, political, and cultural cooperation between the two nations in the future. (ILKHA)