The Black Sea Grain Initiative, which aimed to facilitate the transit of Ukrainian grain through Black Sea corridors, was suspended on Monday.

Russia expressed disappointment, as the provisions allowing for unrestricted exports of Russian agricultural products had not been put into practice.

Moscow argued that the majority of Ukrainian grain had been directed to developed countries in the West, despite the agreement's intention to provide foodstuffs to the poorest nations.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that Russia would consider resuming its participation in the deal once the provisions regarding Moscow's interests were effectively implemented.

The phone conversation between Fidan and Lavrov also touched on the potential purchase of large-sized aircraft from Russia to aid in managing wildfires.

Türkiye has been experiencing a number of wildfires in recent years, and the Turkish government is looking to purchase aircraft that can help to fight these fires more effectively.

The two foreign ministers discussed the technical details of the possible purchase, and they agreed to continue their discussions in the coming days. (ILKHA)