In commemoration of the 1445th anniversary of Prophet Muhammad's emigration (Hijra) from Mecca to Medina, the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation has issued a message emphasizing the significance of this event for Muslims worldwide.

The foundation expressed its hope that these days would foster unity, brotherhood, and a reawakening among Muslims, strengthening the bonds of the ummah (Muslim community).

The statement, delivered by Celal Ödemiş, a coordinator for the foundation, emphasized the Quranic verses related to migration and the rewards promised by Allah for believers who undertake such journeys.

The foundation acknowledged the historic journey that took place 1445 years ago as a pivotal moment in human history, transforming the course of civilization and bringing liberation and happiness to all of humanity.

Highlighting the true essence of the Hijra, the foundation emphasized that it symbolizes not an escape but a significant stage in Islam's cause. It signifies the universality of Islam, transcending geographical boundaries, and represents a journey from an environment where living an Islamic life is challenging to a place where it becomes feasible.

The Hijri New Year, coinciding with Wednesday, July 19, holds great importance for the Islamic world. The foundation underscored the importance of the Islamic brotherhood that emerges from the Hijra, where Muslims become united as brothers, forming a bond that transcends previous acquaintances.

The message emphasized that the Islamic brotherhood serves as the fundamental ingredient for unity and strength among Muslims, emphasizing the need to return to the true nature of humanity. It also highlighted the transformative power of Islam, which brought an end to extreme cruelty and injustice through the establishment of justice-based governance.

As the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation marks this significant milestone, it aims to inspire Muslims to reflect on the lessons of the Hijra and strive for unity, brotherhood, and the betterment of humanity. (ILKHA)