However, during the operation, 13 bodies were also recovered, the coastguard said in a statement.

The migrants were traveling in a makeshift boat that was taking on water, according to the statement.

The boat was intercepted by the coastguard and the migrants were rescued. However, 13 of the migrants were already dead.

Sfax is a major departure point for migrants attempting to reach European shores via the Mediterranean Sea. The dangerous journey is often undertaken on makeshift boats, and according to the International Organization for Migration, nearly 2,500 individuals have died or gone missing in the Mediterranean this year alone.

Lampedusa, an Italian island located approximately 130 kilometers (80 miles) from the Tunisian coast, is a common target destination for many of these migration attempts.

The Tunisian coastguard has been stepping up its efforts to prevent illegal crossings in recent months.

In June, the coastguard rescued over 1,000 migrants and recovered over 30 bodies. (ILKHA)