Seyyid Abdulbaki al-Husayni, aged 74, passed away on Wednesday in Istanbul while undergoing medical treatment.

Taking to his social media account, Yapıcıoğlu shared a condolence message to commemorate Sheikh Abdülbaki al-Husayni, who played a pivotal role in leading and guiding the Menzil Community. The Menzil Community is known for its Islamic teachings and spiritual guidance.

Expressing his deep sorrow, Yapıcıoğlu acknowledged Seyyid Abdulbaki al-Husayni's significant contributions as a knowledgeable scholar and his dedicated efforts in promoting Islamic principles. He called upon Allah to bestow mercy upon the departed leader, praying for patience and blessed lives for the family, disciples, and loved ones left behind.

Seyyid Abdulbaki al-Husayni's passing has left a profound void in the Menzil Community, and his legacy as a respected scholar will be remembered by many. His teachings and guidance have impacted countless lives, reflecting his unwavering commitment to faith and spirituality. (ILKHA)