Firstly, Minister Joly conveyed her congratulations to Minister Fidan on his recent appointment to his new position. The warm exchange of pleasantries reflected the positive tone of the conversation.

The primary focus of their discussion was the expansion of NATO. Both ministers expressed their views and shared their respective countries' perspectives on the matter.

This topic holds great significance in the current global political landscape, and it is crucial for Türkiye and Canada to engage in constructive dialogue regarding NATO's future.

Furthermore, the two ministers also emphasized the importance of strengthening bilateral relations between Türkiye and Canada.

They discussed various aspects of the existing relationship and explored potential avenues for enhancing cooperation in areas such as trade, culture, education, and technology.

The conversation between Minister Fidan and Minister Joly underscored the commitment of both Turkey and Canada to maintaining open and productive communication channels.

By addressing crucial issues such as NATO expansion and bilateral ties, they aimed to foster a stronger partnership between the two nations. (ILKHA)