This marks the culmination of a decadeslong campaign to eliminate a stockpile that once exceeded 30,000 tons at the end of the Cold War.

“For more than 30 years, the United States has worked tirelessly to eliminate our chemical weapons stockpile,” President Joe Biden said in a statement. “Today, I am proud to announce that the United States has safely destroyed the final munition in that stockpile—bringing us one step closer to a world free from the horrors of chemical weapons.”

Biden said the accomplishment marks the first time an international body has verified destruction of an entire category of declared weapons of mass destruction. He thanked the thousands of Americans who worked on the project over the years.

“Today—as we mark this significant milestone—we must also renew our commitment to forging a future free from chemical weapons,” Biden said. “I continue to encourage the remaining nations to join the Chemical Weapons Convention so that the global ban on chemical weapons can reach its fullest potential.”

Biden also called on Russia and Syria to return to compliance with the Chemical Weapons Convention and admit their undeclared programs.

“We will continue to stand with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to prevent the stockpiling, production, and use of chemical weapons around the world,” Biden said. “And together with our partners, we will not stop until we can finally and forever rid the world of this scourge.” (ILKHA)