The leaders engaged in one-on-one talks and later held inter-delegational meetings to address various topics, including bilateral relations, regional and international issues, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, the impending expiration of the Black Sea grain deal on July 17, and the maintenance of peace and stability in the Black Sea region.

A year ago, Turkey, the UN, Russia, and Ukraine signed an agreement in Istanbul to resume grain exports from three Ukrainian Black Sea ports, which had been halted due to the Russia-Ukraine war that began in February 2022.

A Joint Coordination Center, consisting of officials from the three countries and the UN, was established in Istanbul to oversee the shipments. Turkish officials reported that over 32 million tons of grain have been transported to people in need under this agreement.

Russian officials have indicated their reluctance to extend the grain deal, citing unfulfilled obligations regarding Russian exports. Turkey, recognized for its role as a mediator between Ukraine and Russia, has consistently called for negotiations to bring an end to the war.

President Zelenskyy described the negotiations with Erdogan as highly significant. He emphasized the importance of security in the Black Sea region and Europe as a whole, expressing gratitude for the support received in upholding Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

Zelenskyy also mentioned discussions regarding the peace formula, the protection of their countries and people, and their interests. He highlighted the upcoming summit in Vilnius and stressed the need to protect and develop the Black Sea grain deal, as well as ongoing efforts to ensure food security. Zelenskyy concluded by urging the world to be vigilant against all forms of terrorism. (ILKHA)