Under the coordination of the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD), the grand opening ceremony took place at the MİAD container city.

The event was graced by the presence of esteemed individuals, including Zülküf Bildirici, Deputy Chairman of IHO EBRAR, who played a pivotal role in organizing the initiative. Philanthropist businessman Özcan Gül, who traveled from the Netherlands to attend the ceremony, further exemplified his commitment to the cause. Also in attendance were Behçet Sevgil, the Malatya Provincial Coordinator for Umut Kervanı (Hope Caravan Foundation), and Mehmet İlker Dönmezer, the Provincial Chairman of HÜDA PAR (Free Cause Party) in Malatya. A distinguished delegation representing HÜDA PAR's provincial and district organizations also joined the event, demonstrating their solidarity with the earthquake victims.

Accompanied by representatives from IHO EBRAR, the visiting delegation embarked on a comprehensive tour of the container city, visiting the affected individuals who had endured the devastating earthquake.

During these visits, they attentively listened to the victims' problems and concerns, while sincerely conveying their heartfelt wishes for a swift and complete recovery. Following the empathetic visits, the much-anticipated moment arrived with the official opening ceremony of the container homes.Delighted attendees witnessed the symbolic cutting of the ribbon, signifying the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of the earthquake victims.

Expressing his gratitude, Zülküf Bildirici, Deputy Chairman of IHO EBRAR, took the stage after the ceremony. He shared that since the organization's establishment in 2010, their unwavering commitment to humanitarian activities has touched various regions across the globe. The successful completion of this project further underscores their dedication to supporting those in need.

The newly opened container homes will undoubtedly provide much-needed shelter and solace to the earthquake victims in Malatya, offering them a fresh start as they rebuild their lives. The collective efforts of IHO EBRAR, Özcan Gül, and their compassionate allies exemplify the power of philanthropy and solidarity in times of adversity.