During the meeting, it was emphasized that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (IEA) holds respect for the role of the United Nations and aims to strengthen relations with countries worldwide.

Sinirlioğlu acknowledged the current situation, stating: ”The war in Afghanistan is over, and the Islamic Emirate has been governing the entire country for two years, establishing peace and stability. The significant progress made by the Islamic Emirate in security, anti-corruption efforts, and eradicating drug fields has been well received and closely monitored by the international community.”

He further expressed the international community's desire to develop positive relations with the Islamic Emirate, recognizing Afghanistan's strategic position in the region and emphasizing the importance of stability and internal security in the country.

In response, Acting Prime Minister Kabir warmly welcomed the UN envoy, highlighting Afghanistan's longstanding membership as an active member state of the United Nations. He reiterated Afghanistan's commitment to being an engaged and dedicated member, with a focus on shaping its future while considering its own interests.

Acting Prime Minister Kabir conveyed the Islamic Emirate's aspirations for positive interaction with the world, emphasizing the importance of mutual respect as the foundation for such engagement.

In conclusion, Mawlavi Kabir reiterated the Islamic Emirate's stance, stating that Afghan territory would not be allowed to be used for hostile purposes against any other nation. He strongly rejected any baseless claims made in this regard. (ILKHA)