The purpose of this high-level diplomatic encounter is to discuss and pursue avenues for establishing lasting peace between the two nations.

Emphasizing the importance of resolving the longstanding conflict, Prime Minister Pashinyan reiterated Armenia's steadfast commitment to achieving peaceful relations with Azerbaijan. He stressed the need to channel all efforts towards the crucial goal of reaching a comprehensive agreement for the settlement of their differences.

The meeting between the Armenian and Azerbaijani Foreign Ministers holds significant potential for advancing the peace process. With both nations sending their respective delegations to the United States, there is hope for constructive dialogue and productive negotiations.

The ongoing dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan has been a source of tension for many years, culminating in a violent conflict in 2020. Since then, various international efforts have been made to mediate and facilitate dialogue between the two nations.

The upcoming meeting in Washington signifies a renewed commitment from both sides to engage in meaningful discussions and explore potential solutions that would lead to a peaceful resolution. The international community will closely monitor the developments arising from this meeting, as it holds the potential to bring about a significant breakthrough in the Armenian-Azerbaijani relations. (ILKHA)