Denise Brown, the UN's humanitarian coordinator in Ukraine, emphasized the pressing need for immediate action.

According to Brown, the UN has been actively engaging with the governments of Ukraine and Russia to ensure the effective distribution of humanitarian assistance to all those affected by the catastrophic event. Regrettably, the Russian Federation has thus far declined the UN's request for access to areas currently under its temporary military control.

“The Government of the Russian Federation has so far declined our request to access the areas under its temporary military control. The UN will continue to engage to seek the necessary access. We urge the Russian authorities to act in accordance with their obligations under international humanitarian law,” Brown asserted.

Brown further reaffirmed the UN's unwavering commitment to obtaining the required access to carry out humanitarian operations in the affected regions. She stressed the urgency of the situation, as the delivery of life-saving aid is paramount to alleviating the suffering endured by the affected population.

Efforts to resolve the current impasse are ongoing as the UN dedicates significant resources to secure the much-needed access. The international community remains hopeful that Russia will respond to the call for cooperation promptly. It is crucial that Russia fulfills its obligations under international humanitarian law to ensure the well-being and safety of those affected by the Kakhovka Dam collapse.

In the face of this disaster, the UN stands united in its mission to provide vital support to those in need. The organization's tireless efforts underscore the urgent need for swift action to mitigate the consequences of this tragic event. The world waits in anticipation for Russia's response, hopeful that a collaborative approach will bring relief to the affected areas. (ILKHA)