As the Eid al-Adha draws near, Orphans Foundation (Yetimler Vakfı) has intensified its efforts in various areas to extend assistance to the disadvantaged, orphaned, and needy families. Their mission is to ensure the well-being of orphaned children and create smiles on their faces, thereby earning the pleasure of the Almighty.

Under the careful supervision of Orphans Foundation officials, children, accompanied by their families, visited a local clothing store in Trabzon, where they eagerly selected their preferred festive attire, experiencing a sense of joy and anticipation for the upcoming holiday.

Speaking on behalf of the Trabzon Branch of Orphans Foundation, Kasım Çoğlan emphasized the significant role of orphaned children as a test for affluent Muslims. He expressed heartfelt gratitude to the generous donors whose contributions brought immense joy to these children.

Çoğlan stated: “We firmly believe that 'Paradise is hidden in the smile of an orphan.' Our primary objective is to bring happiness to the lives of orphaned children, thus attaining the pleasure of our Lord. We are immensely thankful for the compassionate nature of our society, which readily responds to this cause. Whenever we have sought support for such projects, we have been met with unwavering kindness and generosity. It is heartening to witness the collective efforts of everyone in bringing joy to orphaned children.”

He further assured that the support extended to orphaned children and those in need would persist. With the backing of generous benefactors and by the grace of God, Orphans Foundation has already provided thousands of orphaned children with essential items such as shoes and clothing. Their commitment remains unwavering, aiming to offer continuous assistance to these deserving children.

Çoğlan emphasized the importance of aiding orphans, drawing attention to the deep affection of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) towards them. He noted that even the simplest act of comforting an orphan by patting their head holds immense rewards, let alone providing them with clothing and meeting their needs. The magnitude of the rewards is immeasurable when one dresses an orphan, purchases shoes for them, and brings a smile to their face. Orphaned children are a trust bestowed upon society, and failing to care for them or neglecting their well-being disrupts the delicate balance within the community.

Çoğlan concluded by suggesting that many of the calamities faced today may be attributed to self-centeredness and a lack of concern for orphans. Therefore, it becomes our collective responsibility to extend care and support to these vulnerable children, as they represent both a test and a trust for society. (ILKHA)