The ceasefire is set to commence on June 10 at 6:00 a.m. local time in Khartoum and will extend for a duration of 24 hours.

According to the terms of the agreement, both parties have committed to refraining from various military actions, including prohibited movements, attacks, the use of aircraft or drones, aerial bombardment, artillery strikes, reinforcement of positions, and resupply of forces. Additionally, they have pledged not to seek any military advantage during the ceasefire period. Furthermore, the agreement emphasizes the importance of facilitating the unimpeded movement and delivery of humanitarian aid throughout Sudan.

The facilitators of this agreement are well aware of the Sudanese people's frustration caused by the inconsistent implementation of previous ceasefires. With the aim of breaking the cycle of violence, they proposed this latest initiative, which holds significant potential for positive outcomes. The 24-hour ceasefire, if fully observed, presents a crucial opportunity to provide essential humanitarian assistance and engage in confidence-building measures. These steps could pave the way for the resumption of the Jeddah talks, aiming to find a lasting resolution to the ongoing conflict.

However, compliance with the ceasefire is of utmost importance. In the event of non-compliance, the facilitators will be compelled to consider adjourning the Jeddah talks, highlighting the seriousness with which the parties' commitment to the ceasefire is regarded. (ILKHA)