Salih Güzel, the President of Hope Caravan Association, stated that their 2023 sacrificial work, organized under the theme "Let Your Sacrifice Bring Hope," is now ready for implementation.

Güzel emphasized their commitment to assisting philanthropists in every step of the process, from acquiring sacrificial animals to ensuring hygienic slaughter, packaging, and the delivery of meat to orphans and those in need.

Serving as a bridge between philanthropists and the less fortunate, Güzel highlighted the association's long-standing dedication to promoting solidarity, cooperation, trust, and love within the community. Through their work, the association aims to strengthen the bonds between philanthropists who partake in the act of sacrifice and families in need. The delivery of meat from sacrificed animals brings joy to thousands of orphaned and underprivileged families in the province, with a deep sense of religious devotion.

Güzel reiterated their readiness to provide assistance, stressing the social responsibility and worship-driven approach of Hope Caravan. The association has successfully completed its 2023 sacrificial organization, spanning various regions worldwide, with a primary focus on the local province. By adopting the theme of 'Let Your Sacrifice Be Hope,' Umut Kervanı aims to support individuals in need. Philanthropists can rely on the association's support throughout the entire process, including the procurement of sacrificial animals, their hygienic slaughter, and the efficient packaging and delivery of meat to orphans and those in need.

Güzel further announced the prices for sacrificial animals, stating that small ruminants start at 4,250 TL, while the share price for cattle begins at 5,000 TL. Philanthropists have the option to visit the association's office in person to make their delegation or utilize the organization's bank accounts for payment. Alternatively, they can also delegate their sacrificial donation via phone.

Umut Kervanı encourages individuals to participate in this meaningful act of sacrifice, as their contributions will bring hope and happiness to the lives of those less fortunate. (ILKHA)