The march served as a solemn tribute to the ten victims of a tragic israeli attack that occurred in May 2010 when an aid ship en route to Gaza was raided in international waters.

The procession, which started from the courtyard of Fatih Mosque in the afternoon, marked the 13th anniversary of the assault. Participants, carrying flags of Palestine and Türkiye, passionately voiced their opposition to the zionist entity, chanting slogans throughout the march.

Muhammed Cihad Çelik, the President of Young IHH

Following the recitation of the Holy Quran, Muhammed Cihad Çelik, the President of Young IHH, delivered an impassioned speech. He emphasized the original purpose and goals of the Mavi Marmara and the freedom flotilla, stating that they aimed to eliminate the embargo that has turned Gaza into an open-air prison. Despite a decade having passed, Çelik condemned the continuation of this primitive practice, which he claimed was accepted worldwide. He criticized Western countries for turning a blind eye to the ongoing systematic genocide in Gaza, even as they took action against Russia for its conflict with Ukraine. Çelik further highlighted the regular bombing of civilian settlements by Israel and the use of fake documents to expand the occupation in Palestinian territories. He expressed solidarity with the Palestinian people and their resistance.

Beheşti İsmail Songür, the head of the Mavi Marmara Association

Beheşti İsmail Songür, President of the Mavi Marmara Association, reminded attendees of their ongoing fight for justice in Turkey and worldwide since the attack on the Mavi Marmara by Israel 13 years ago. Songür underlined that similar massacres have occurred almost daily in Palestine for the past 75 years. He reaffirmed their commitment to embark on another journey for Palestine, Gaza, Jerusalem, and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Songür's statement reflected their willingness to make any sacrifice necessary, even stating: “If we had a thousand lives, we would sacrifice every single one without hesitation.”

Fevzi El-Cuneyd

During the event, Fevzi El-Cuneyd, who had become a symbol of resistance in Jerusalem after being blindfolded and detained by over 20 Zionist occupation soldiers in 2017, delivered a heartfelt speech. Cuneyd expressed his joy in participating in the march organized on the 13th anniversary of the Mavi Marmara incident. He emphasized that the cause of Jerusalem transcends borders, uniting Muslims worldwide. Cuneyd urged continued struggle against oppression, acknowledging the vital support of those present, assuring them that the Palestinian people would forever remember their unwavering solidarity.

The "Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque March" served as a powerful platform for thousands of individuals to voice their demand for justice, honor the victims, and stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine. (ILKHA)