The Turkish Foreign Minister has issued a press release offering condolences to India in the wake of a devastating train crash that occurred in Odisha. The collision between two passenger trains and a goods train in the city of Balasore has resulted in a tragic loss of over 300 lives and left more than 1,000 individuals injured.

In the press release, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed profound sadness over the incident, stating: “We have learned with deep sorrow that close to 300 people lost their lives and nearly 1000 people were injured last night as a result of a train crash in Odisha, India.”

The Ministry went on to extend heartfelt condolences to the relatives of the victims, as well as to the people and Government of India. They also expressed wishes for a speedy recovery to all those injured in the tragic accident.

The collision took place on Friday evening when one of the passenger trains derailed, causing its coaches to topple onto an adjacent track. Tragically, the oncoming train collided with the overturned coaches, exacerbating the scale of the disaster. Local sources reported the confirmed death toll exceeding 300, making it a heart-wrenching tragedy that has shaken the nation.

The Turkish government's condolences highlight the solidarity and empathy between Turkey and India in the face of such devastating incidents. The international community stands united in offering support and sympathies to India as they mourn the loss of lives and work towards healing and recovery. (ILKHA)