Following his election as a Member of Parliament from the AK Party list, securing the 6th position in the Presidential and 28th Term Parliamentary General Elections on May 14, 2023, HÜDA PAR General Secretary Demir met with press members in Gaziantep.

During the "Meeting with Press Members" event organized by HÜDA PAR Gaziantep Provincial Presidency, Demir made important statements on current issues.

Demir emphasized that HÜDA PAR is the guarantor of unity, togetherness, and brotherhood in Turkey, stating that they will not allow anyone to disrupt the peace and harmony of the nation and the homeland, just as they have done so far.

"We will not tolerate the problems being swept under the rug"

Starting his speech by thanking the press members, Demir said: "This is actually not a press statement; first, I would like to acknowledge your names. Throughout the election process, we worked together. We met with you. We benefited from your thoughts. You covered the news of our activities throughout our election campaign. In this regard, you have fulfilled your duty of providing accurate information to the public and objectively contributing to the election process while maintaining your impartiality. I am a witness to this. Therefore, we wanted to come together with you once again and express our gratitude. Preserving and continuing this understanding, this approach, is very valuable for our Gaziantep. It is a great achievement, a great advantage for the solution of Gaziantep's problems, the peace, security, and well-being of our city. With the permission of Allah, we will not allow any problem to be concealed, injustices or grievances to persist. You are truly a great asset for Gaziantep in terms of your impartiality and maturely following the process. We will do whatever we can to support you in the upcoming period."

“It is incumbent upon all of us to contribute to the sustainability of the atmosphere of peace and serenity”

Moreover, Demir stressed the importance of preserving the atmosphere of peace and tranquility, stating that it is incumbent upon all individuals to contribute to its sustainability. He expressed contentment that the elections concluded without any disturbances, particularly in Gaziantep and across the country. Comparing it to previous elections, Demir regarded this election as notably superior, highlighting the peaceful and harmonious environment that prevailed. He celebrated the fact that, as a party that had encountered significant challenges in past elections, they successfully concluded the election process in an atmosphere of peace and harmony, both locally and nationwide, for the first time in many years. Demir underscored the need to maintain this positive trajectory and prevent any negative occurrences in the future.

“We are striving for the betterment of this nation's future”

Demir noted that HÜDA PAR secured 4 seats in the parliamentary elections and expressed gratitude.

"We are grateful to Allah that all four of our candidates have been elected and earned their positions in the parliament. Our dedicated efforts were not limited to the constituencies where our candidates ran but extended throughout Turkey. We collaborated with President Erdoğan as part of our alliance and mobilized our entire team to work tirelessly. You have witnessed our unwavering commitment in Gaziantep. It is essential for us to strive towards preventing the recurrence of past century's events in order to ensure Turkey's progress and safeguard its future. Our endeavors are solely dedicated to the well-being of our nation. Throughout this process, we have prioritized our nation's unity, future, brotherhood, and advancement over our party's institutional identity, interests, and benefits. While it may not be conventional for a party to forsake its institutional identity and gather its supporters under another party's banner, we have done so for the greater good of our nation. In any similar circumstances that arise for the benefit of our nation, we will persist in taking the same course of action,” Demir added. (ILKHA)