Agriculture-PPI on the previous month decreased by 2.32%, on December of the previous year increased by 17.72%, on same month of the previous year increased by 71.52% and on the twelve months moving averages basis increased by 134.06% in April 2023.

Compared to the previous month in sectors; products of agriculture, hunting and related services decreased by 2.51%, fishing products and other fishing products increased by 0.49% and forestry products and related services increased by 3.16%. Regarding monthly changes by main groups; perennial crops decreased by 16.56%, non-perennial crops decreased by 0.43% and live animals and animal products increased by 5.78%.

Compared to general Agriculture-PPI, lower annual change observed in 4 subgroups while 7 subgroups were higher

Vegetables and melons, roots and tubers with 35.85% and cereal (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds with 49.99% were the subgroups that indicated low annual increase. On the other hand, citrus fruits with 167.15% and dairy cattle, live and raw milk from dairy cattle with 135.86% were the subgroups where high annual increases realized. Fibre plants with 13.70% was the only subgroup where annual decreases realized.

Compared to general Agriculture-PPI, lower monthly change observed in 1 subgroup while 10 subgroups were higher

Fibre plants with 9.72% and vegetables and melons, roots and tubers with 0.12% were the subgroups that indicated high monthly decrease. On the other hand, other tree and bush fruits and nuts with 20.69% and sheep and goats, live; raw milk and shorn wool from sheep and goats with 10.88% were the subgroups that indicated high monthly increase. (ILKHA)