The first step of the Nakba, known as the "catastrophe", the symbol of forced migration, occupation, torture, pillage, and massacres for the Palestinian people, was taken by the French General Napoleon Bonaparte, formulated with the Balfour Declaration and embodied by the first prime minister of the terrorist gang Ben Gurion.

According to experts investigating how the idea of zionist settlement on Palestinian lands has been developed, French General Napoleon Bonaparte brings to mind the idea of establishing a terror gang in Palestine, which that time was under the Ottoman rule in 1799. Bonaparte reportedly made a call on Jews all over the world saying; "France offers you at this very time… take over what has been conquered and with that nation's warranty and support."

The researcher and producer Ravan Damin, who reveals the living with the documentary film about Nakba, says that the idea was based on the 1800s. "Nakba lived well before this date, not in 1948. Especially in 1799, French General Napoleon Bonaparte brought the idea of the occupation of the Palestinian lands in the framework of the colonial plan and later demanded the same thing in England in 1840. Then England began to occupy Palestine," said Ed-Damin.

England invaded Palestine in December 1917

After the Europeans' idea to occupy the Palestinian lands, the zionists established the movement of "lovers of the zion" in 1880, and in 1897 the first zionist congress in the city of Basel, in Switzerland, was convened for the establishment of a so-called state for the Jews and decision was taken.

Later in the process, zionists from all over the world have emigrated to Palestine in groups. Some governments' officials even bribed to force the Jews in their country to facilitate their migration to Palestinian territories. Thus, the zionists were prepared to emigrate to Palestinian territories and attempt to occupy its lands.

Despite the efforts and obstacles of the Ottoman state, the zionist emigration to Palestine continued rapidly. British General Edmund Allenby invaded Al-Quds in December 1917, ending Palestine's loyalty to the Ottoman Empire and opened the field of action for the zionists.

The British have financed the zionist terrorist organization Haganah

The British administration, settled in Palestine, officially allowed 400,000 zionists to move to Palestine between 1920 and 1936, paved the way for the invaders to reach 31 percent of the population of the total population.

The British have not forgotten to finance Haganah, which meant "defense" in Hebrew, the first terrorist organization established by the zionists who migrated to these lands after they had occupied Palestinian lands in 1918. British officers in Palestine began to take part in the training of Haganah elements. Even at a time when the region was not exposed to any external threat, the British, who had used the war as an excuse, took zionist militants into the army and trained them by establishing special groups. Thirty thousand zionists serving in a disorganized manner in the British army became a separate brigade in September 1944.

The Zionists led by Haganah's President Yigael Yadin were aiming to benefit from a terrorist movement in the absence of authority to emerge during the withdrawal of Britain from Palestine. Haganah's strategy was arranged according to this plan. At this point, the zionists sought ways to provide both material and political support and to work with the United States, where more than 3 million jews lived. The Jews began to use the United States as a source, pulled some of the influential administration names to their side.

The US sent weapons and military ammunition to zionists

With the US jewish Finance Minister Morgenthau organizing the collection of money, some sections within the US administration became the greatest supporters of the zionists. In this way, weapons and military ammunition purchased in the US and Europe were loaded into the vessels and sent to Palestine for the use of zionist terrorist organizations Haganah and Irgun militants.

After all these actions, one last step left for the establishment of the zionist terrorist gang and recognition by interstate law. This last step initiated by Britain's request to form of a special Palestinian Committee under the auspices of the United Nations. The commission was selected from Australia, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Guatemala, Peru, Sweden, Uruguay, India, and Iran. Report stipulated by the Committee was in accordance with the plans of the zionists, it involved the division of Palestine and the establishment of a zionist state. According to the report, the Palestinians would own 42.88 percent of lands and zionists would own 56.47 percent Palestine.

Britain, USA, and Russia played a major role in the establishment of the terrorist gang

The White House has resorted to all kinds of oppression on countries that opposed of the sharing of Palestine or were simply undecided. This threat and pressure campaign in the United Nations played a crucial role in the zionists' achievement to reach their goal. On the occasion of the UN General Assembly held on November 29, 1947, at 17:45, the majority plan was adopted with 10 abstentions and 33 abstentions against 13 rejections.

The secret support of Stalin, a fanatical anti-Semitic, played a major role in the establishment of the zionist terror network. Stalin, who wanted to get rid of the Jews in his country, supported the partition plan with the USA. The common actions of the US and the Soviet have caused many countries under their influence to vote in the same way.

A few hours before the end of the British mandate in Palestine on May 14, the Jewish National Council in Tel-Aviv [Vaad Levmy] announced that they had established terror gangs in a declaration they published. The United States recognized the zionists exactly eleven minutes after the independence declaration. The terror gang was also recognized by other countries in a short time.

The day after the Palestinian split decision, the zionists speeded up their attacks

The day after the split decision, the zionist armed gangs called the Haganah seized the regions prepared for the zionists to reside. During the occupation, hundreds of Palestinian villages and towns were destroyed. Thousands of Palestinians were murdered. In the process, Bedouin tribes living in the Negev region were displaced. Cultural identity was also targeted by changing the names of the settlement areas. Many historic Palestinian cities have been judaized.

The terror gang that has widened the occupation since Nakba has now occupied 85 percent of the historic Palestinian lands of 27 thousand square kilometers. Palestinians can use only 15 percent of this area. Since then, the number of Palestinian refugees has risen to 5.9 billion globally, along with population growth. Approximately 5.3 million of these are registered with the United Nations Agency for Assistance to the Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA). The zionists also continue to build illegal settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, which they occupied in 1967.

The list of massacres committed against the Palestinian people is quite long and these crimes continue with walls, control points, blockades, destruction of houses, occupations, the war against Gaza and the West Bank, and crimes against prisoners in prisons.

The Palestinians are waiting for the day they will return to their "stolen heaven"

On the anniversary of the declaration of independence by the zionists in the occupied territories on May 15, 1948, the Palestinians continue their actions as they do every year. 

Apart from the refugee camps in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Palestinians living in different regions of the world, particularly in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, are expressing their desire at every opportunity to return to their land of "stolen heaven".

For millions of Palestinians who have been living in exile for decades, the "Nakba" [catastrophe] continues to be a symbol of forced migration, plunder, and massacres. (ILKHA)