Erdoğan took to Twitter to emphasize their tireless efforts since taking over governance in 2002 and their steadfast commitment to creating a "greater and stronger Türkiye."

He stated: "Only Allah and our beloved nation truly understand the challenges we have overcome for this cause. Whether it's the significant increase in per capita national income from $3,600 to $10,650, the substantial rise in annual exports from $36 billion to $255 billion, the agricultural gross domestic product surpassing 407 billion liras, the Central Bank reserve reaching $115 billion, the employment capacity expanding to 32 million, or the annual influx of 51.5 million tourists... Each of these accomplishments, along with the monumental initiatives undertaken in transportation, defense, technology, energy, healthcare, housing, and the environment, contribute to Türkiye's robust economy, resilient infrastructure, ambitious goals, and unyielding self-confidence."

Erdoğan emphasized that every one of Türkiye's 85 million citizens across its 81 provinces played a pivotal role in this success story. He proclaimed: "Together, side by side, we will construct the Century of Türkiye, as our nation remains our strongest ally."

Appreciating the contributions of his partners in the People's Alliance and the AK Party, who share the common goal of advancing Türkiye, Erdoğan acknowledged the industriousness of various segments of society, including industrialists, workers, farmers, merchants, housewives, and civil servants. He stated that their unwavering dedication and hard work were integral to achieving this remarkable progress.

Erdoğan concluded by expressing gratitude to all citizens, regardless of their political views, religious beliefs, or ethnic backgrounds, who placed their country above all else. He recognized the unwavering support and prayers of the people throughout the last 21 years, emphasizing that the upcoming period, starting from May 14, would mark the addition of new accomplishments to the ongoing journey of success. Together, hand in hand, they would forge ahead, building the Century of Türkiye with the unwavering support and participation of the nation. (ILKHA)