According to the agency, this estimate is based on the multiplication of the average carcass weight with the number of slaughtered animals from the domestic population, which is determined by the slaughtering rate, and the number of imported slaughtered animals. The slaughtering rate is calculated based on demographic data compiled by the Animal Production Survey in Agricultural Holdings.

Compared to 2021, total red meat production increased by 12.3%, from 1 million 952 thousand 38 tons to 2 million 191 thousand 625 tons in 2022. Cattle meat production increased by 7.7%, with an estimated total of 1 million 572 thousand 747 tons. Sheep meat production increased by 26.8% to an estimated 489 thousand 354 tons, while goat meat production increased by 22.6% to an estimated 115 thousand 938 tons. Buffalo meat production also increased by 25.4% to an estimated 13 thousand 586 tons. (ILKHA)