“In order to avoid any potential conflicts, we took down our election booth. However, our team set it up again today. Regrettably, there were individuals who tried to impede our lawful political efforts by spreading false information about our party. This constitutes a serious legal offense. Our officials have identified supporters of the CHP, the Victory Party, and the IYI Party as the ones responsible for this provocative action. We have visual evidence that corroborates our findings,” Yapıcıoğlu said.

“They will definitely be held accountable before the law”

Yapıcıoğlu continued his remarks as follows: “We will continue to maintain our calm. It is clear that someone is trying to stir things up and drag Turkey into different arenas. Those who provoked this incident, incited citizens and prevented our right to do politics in Trabzon or anywhere else, will not be able to escape justice. They will definitely be held accountable before the law.”

“Whoever wants to stir up trouble, whoever is trying to prepare the ground for a provocation, must be held accountable for it. They must be held accountable. In this case, both the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior have responsibilities. It is their duty to uncover those who committed this crime and bring them to justice. I believe they will do this,” Yapıcıoğlu stated.

“Every party has the right to run an election campaign all over Türkiye”

"We removed our election stand yesterday because we do not want any more tension, and we can remove it again, it is not a problem,” Yapıcıoğlu said, adding: “The reason for removing the stand is to prevent a few provocateurs from inciting citizens and causing more unpleasant incidents, and to thwart the attempt to drag Türkiye into a chaotic environment. Otherwise, we can and should do politics everywhere. Everyone should be able to do politics everywhere, as the laws already exist for this purpose, and political parties have the right to engage in political activities to spread their ideas throughout the country."

“They are the enemies of the nation”

Yapıcıoğlu concluded as follows: “A party that incites one part of this country's citizens against another in order to increase its own votes is an enemy to the entire nation. We have been saying this for years, and we will continue to say it. Anyone who is willing to risk the blood of this nation's children for the sake of a few votes is an enemy to the entire nation, including their own supporters.” (ILKHA)
