The event, which took place at Nevruz Park in the Bağlar district, was centered around the theme of "Prophet Muhammad: The Most Beautiful Example."

The opening ceremony included a recitation of the Holy Quran by Sheikh Munir A. Cevad, followed by the reading of Mawlidi Sharif, a form of poetry honoring Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The celebration also featured performances of hymns and marches by the Özlem Agency Artists.

During the event, the Prophet's Lovers Foundation spokesperson, Yahya Oğraş, read out a message from the foundation, which included the following statement.:

                           In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

 All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. May the prayers and blessings be upon the Most Beautiful Example, Prophet Muhammad, who is His servant and messenger, and his family and companions.

1. Prophet Muhammed is the Most Beautiful Example for those who deem difficulties and disasters as an admonition.

Troubles and misfortunes are good advisers. They are effective reminders against the veil of negligence and the drunkenness of death. Therefore, natural disasters, earthquakes, diseases, and pandemics should be regarded as opportunities for believers to purify themselves from sins, get closer to Allah, and learn from their mistakes. “When Calamity befalls them, they say, ‘Verily, unto God do we belong and, verily, unto Him we shall return’” (Surah Al-Baqarah – 156). Troubles and misfortunes are only a loss and misery for the oppressors.

2. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who consider sharing as solidarity and see helping others as a responsibility.

Healing the wounds of our fellow citizens who were affected by the earthquake is not only a humanitarian duty, but also a religious obligation. Being able to share solely for the sake of Allah and finding contentment in it is a key element to achieving happiness in both this life and the afterlife. Muhsin (Good, Praiseworthy) is a person adorned with good deeds. The Noble Quran commands those who are Muhsin with a gentle gesture as a gift: “Those who expend in weal and woe, and the repressors of rage and the pardoners of men; and Allah loveth the doers of good” (Surah Al Imran-134).

3. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who view adherence to Haqq (the truth) as a matter of pride and regard deviation from it as a sign of dishonor.

We view the impudent and haughty insults aimed at Allah, His Messenger (PBUH), the Holy Qur'an, and the basic principles and rituals of Islam as abhorrent attacks not only on our sacred values but also on our personal identity. We vehemently denounce these acts of aggression and refuse to acknowledge them as a form of freedom of expression or any such justification. These despicable attacks will only serve to strengthen our commitment to Allah and His noble cause. “In truth, all honor belongs to Allah, and to His Messenger, and to the believers. But the hypocrites do not know” (Surah Al-Munafiqun – 8).

4. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who know their homes as a sanctuary and the family as a source of joy.

The family is a powerful bastion of serenity and bliss for both men and women of faith. To ensure a promising tomorrow, it is essential that our children, who are the adornments of this temporary life, are imbued with righteousness, morality, vitality, and achievement. Initiatives promoting a gender-neutral society, harmful traditions that undermine the family, and organizations backed by a declining Western civilization are all aimed at destabilizing the traditional institution of the family. In the face of such audacious and immoral attempts, it is imperative for Muslim communities to take a resolute stand to protect the sanctity of the family, as it is essential for their very survival.

5. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who regard the brotherhood of Muslims as a cornerstone and the unity of the Islamic ummah as the edifice built upon it.

A robust and cohesive bond among Muslim communities is the key to addressing the anguish and misery that weigh heavily on our hearts. Only by standing together can we hope to overcome oppression and despair. The brotherhood and unity of Muslims, founded on principles of solidarity, cooperation, and mutual support, is not an unachievable aspiration. Instead, it is a divine command from our Lord and a tremendous force that empowers us to work together in harmony and cooperation. The establishment of Islamic justice as the guiding principle in our social life can only be achieved through the power of brotherhood and unity. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all Muslims to strive to revitalize this spirit of cooperation and solidarity. “A Muslim is a brother of another Muslim, so he should not oppress him, nor should he hand him over to an oppressor” Hadith-i Sharif (Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2442, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2580)

6. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who recognize the youth as the future of society and endeavor to equip them for the challenges that lie ahead.

The Islamic youth is an outstanding youth who is aware of their responsibilities, aware of their strength and abilities, and distinguished by their morality and character. Valuing the youth is an invaluable investment made for the future. To foster growth and progress in the sphere of Islamic service and activity, it is imperative that we identify and effectively manage the talents of our invaluable youth. Muslim youth cannot be defined as the generation Z or something else meaninglessly. The worth of Muslim youth should be evaluated based on what they have done and are capable of doing in every period of Islamic history.

7. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who protect and support Al Quds (Jerusalem) and Masjid al-Aqsa against zionist occupation.

The Quds cause is a lofty cause that time and conditions cannot wear out. It is an unending promise, dignified stance and an expected victory. “Glory be to Him who made His servant to go on a night from Al-Masjid–al–Harâm (the Sacred Mosque) to Al–Masjid-al–Aqsâ whose surroundings We have blessed, that We might show him of Our Verses” (Surah Al Isra-1). The Al-Aqsa Mosque is an indispensable sacred cause and a duty of loyalty for believers. This debt of loyalty is a truth that will be repeated in every era.

8. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who see peace as salvation, justice as peace and stability.

The basis of peace, calmness, concord, steadiness, and authority is justice. Justice is a value that has disappeared from societies where unity is shattered, borders are transgressed, and riches are looted. During times when it is as challenging to be fair as it is to be ethical and righteous, justice is a moral compass that people turn to. Islam instructs individuals to uphold justice and govern justly. “Indeed, Allah commands you to return trusts to their rightful owners; and when you judge between people, judge with fairness.” (Surah An-Nisa – 58)

9. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who take the Holy Quran as the way to be followed and the Sunnah as a guide.

The Islamic school, filtered in the encompassing source of the revelation, has built a sublime civilization despite the dark corridor of unbelief and polytheism. The teacher of this school of reconstruction and reformation was Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), and the students of this school were the Companions of the Prophet (may Allah be pleased with them). The Holy Quran, which won over hearts before cities, serves as the syllabus for the Islamic school. It is the primary source of knowledge. The Sunnah is the method used to teach in this invaluable institution. To access the main source, one must adhere to the method.

10. Prophet Muhammad is the Most Beautiful Example for those who take the Kaaba as the qibla and the masjids as places of worship.

The houses of Allah (masjids) are the bright lamps of the earth. Masjids are places of rest and purification for tired souls. All masjids are branches of the Kaaba. One of the ways of individual and social revival is to restore the masjids to their original functions. The revival of masjids is possible through the establishment of circles of Quranic recitation, the formation of gatherings for knowledge and consultation, and the prayers rising from these holy places up to the heavens.

                                                                                                  THE PROPHET’S LOVERS FOUNDATION                                                                                                    (ILKHA)