Millions of Muslims across the world and in Türkiye have welcomed the arrival of the holy month of Ramadan, one of the three months of great importance for the faithful

Ramadan is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection, and community.

The month of Ramadan is the month of giving. Giving goods to the needy, giving time to worship and religious services, and sacrificing life on the path of Allah.

The Hope Caravan, which acts with the mission of delivering humanitarian aid to those who are persecuted or otherwise in need, regardless of their religion, language, race or sect, has launched a charitable initiative to provide humanitarian aid to families in need during Ramadan in southeastern Türkiye.

The foundation prepared red meat and food packages for thousands of families in need during the month of Ramadan, and aims to distribute clothes to thousands of children before Eid Al Fitr.

“Our goal is to deliver aid to thousands of needy families during Ramadan. Especially due to the earthquake, which is called the disaster of the century, the number of people in need of help has increased,” Abdurrahim Karadeniz, the head of Hope Caravan’s Diyarbakır branch, told Ilke News Agency.

“It is difficult to remain silent in the face of the suffering of people. We expect help from philanthropists in this regard. Hopefully, we will deliver their donations to families in need. May Allah be pleased with them for their help,” he added. (ILKHA)