Delivering a speech at the program starting with the recitation of the Holy Qur’an, President of Religious Affairs Erbaş expressed that they are in the excitement of approaching the month of Ramadan, the herald of mercy, forgiveness, and everlasting salvation, and said that we will enter into month of Ramadan with the first fasting on March 23, Thursday following the first tarawih prayer to be established on 22 March, Wednesday.

Remarking that they are bitterly entering into month of Ramadan this year because of the earthquakes which are the disasters of the century, Erbaş said: “We have experienced indescribable grieves. As a nation, we are going through difficult and troubled times. For this reason, this year's month of Ramadan has a special meaning. Since the month of Ramadan is a month in which we will find remedy for our troubles and make our difficulties easier. The month of mercy, forgiveness, goodness, infaq, and zakat. Each of them has meanings that will be remedy for troubles.”

“Ramadan and Solidarity”

Saying that they determined the theme of month of Ramadan as “Ramadan and Solidarity” this year for raising an awareness in order to establish a social sensitivity regarding the results of disaster and calamities that we have experienced, President Erbaş stated that hey preferred this theme in order to strengthen the awareness of social solidarity with the programs to be held during the month of Ramadan and to continue the sensitivity to heal the wounds of the earthquake victims.”

Expressing that Islam is the religion of cooperation, sharing and solidarity, Erbaş continued his remarks as follows:

“This is one of the most important wisdoms of financial worship, especially zakat. This is one of the most important wisdoms of financial worship, especially zakat. The Almighty Allah (swt), who says in the Holy Qur'an "The believers are but brothers”, commands us to hold fast to the rope of Allah (swt) together and to be in cooperation in goodness and piety. Our beloved Prophet (saw) always leads us to solidarity and cooperation by saying, “Allah will help His slave so long as His slave helps his brother.” Solidarity, which is an important and indispensable principle in terms of ensuring the continuation of social life in the form of unity and solidarity, peace, and security, is the hallmark of the Islamic ummah. Muslims see solidarity, cooperation and sharing as a necessity of faith in Allah (swt), loyalty to our Beloved Prophet (saw) and loyalty to faith.”

“Cooperation and solidarity in goodness has become the character of our nation”

Indicating that our history is full of great examples where the universal values and moral principles of Islam came to life, Erbaş said:  “The consciousness of solidarity, which includes concepts such as altruism, kindness, beneficence, generosity and selflessness, has transformed our civilization into a foundation civilization that works for the good of humanity and even all living things. It has been the character of our dear nation that values the belief in cooperation and solidarity in goodness above everything else.”

Pointing out that our noble nation has demonstrated the best examples of the morality of cooperation and solidarity today as it has throughout history, Erbaş said: "Our dear nation, which accepts the goodness, cooperation, solidarity as life principle, has shown a great example of solidarity in the face of the greatest disaster that history has ever witnessed. Our nation, which has experienced one of the greatest tests of history, has also demonstrated one of the greatest self-sacrifices of history and continues this effort.”

Stating that people, the state and non-governmental organizations are trying to help the earthquake region by going hand in hand, Erbaş expressed that the wounds will be healed by keeping the awareness of sharing, cooperation, and solidarity alive.

“We must continue our aid activities without slowing down”

Underlining that the mobilization of solidarity in the first days of disasters should continue until the last wound is healed, Erbaş went on to say: “Especially in the month of Ramadan, which is a gift of the Almighty Allah (swt) to His faithful servants, we should give an endeavor to increase goodness and abundance with our zakat, sadaqah al-fitr, sadaqah and iftar tables. In the month of Ramadan, when it is more virtuous than ever to turn to goodness, charity, such activities gain more importance and meaning. Since Ramadan is the season of mercy, abundance, and forgiveness.”

“Let us ensure that our children and young people collect good memories of the month of Ramadan”

Stating that the month of Ramadan is a school of moral and character education, Erbaş emphasized that they attach importance that young people and children experience the spiritual atmosphere of Ramadan to the fullest.

Saying that they want young people and children to learn the abundance of sahur, the pleasure of fasting and the joy of iftar by experiencing it, Erbaş noted: "Therefore, parents have a great responsibility. We, as parents, should encourage and support our children and young people. Let us ensure that our children and young people collect good memories of the month of Ramadan.”

Erbaş stated that as Presidency of Religious Affairs, children, they gave effort for young people and women to benefit from the spiritual climate of Ramadan and the peaceful atmosphere of the mosques to the maximum extent, and that all hodjas, especially the mosque officials, are preparing for this beautiful moment with great excitement and sincerity.

“Spiritual support services and special guidance programs will be performed in the earthquake region”

Erbaş shared following information regarding the services to be provided in the month of Ramadan:

“Spiritual support services and special guidance programs will be carried out throughout our country and especially in the earthquake region. The subject of 'Ramadan and Solidarity' will be discussed comprehensively in our guidance activities. Recitation will be performed in all our mosques and Quran courses. Likewise, our citizens will be able to follow the Recitations to be performed on our Diyanet Television and Radios every day during the month of Ramadan. Recitation schedule will be planned at the appropriate places of the institutions for those who request from the personnel who cannot participate in the Recitations performed in the mosques. In order to increase the knowledge of our citizens about the content of the Holy Qur'an, 'Recitation with Interpretation' programs will be held in our mosques deemed appropriate by the muftis. Again the 'Tarawih Prayer with Khatim' will be performed in the mosques and masjids deemed appropriate by the mufti's offices. ‘190 Religious Information Line ' will be at the service of our citizens between 08.00-22.00 7 days a week during the month of Ramadan. A discounted book campaign will be organized on the occasion of the 2023 month of Ramadan. The special website for the month of Ramadan ( with books, magazines and other printed, visual, and audio materials themed 'Ramadan and Solidarity' prepared by our Presidency will be at the service of our nation. Iftar and sahur programs will be held on Diyanet TV, Diyanet Radio, Diyanet Quran Radio and Diyanet Risalet Radio. In addition, our teachers will make programs in our mosques, Qur'an courses, conference halls, local TV-Radio channels, and internet channels.

“Special sensitivity should be shown to the broadcasts to be made and subjects to be discussed in these difficult days”

Reminding that religious programs are held intensively in almost every channel during the month of Ramadan, Erbaş said: "Within this context, we appreciate those who make a contribution and effort. However, it is also a fact that we cannot ignore that religious feelings and expectations are abused from time to time in such programs. Therefore, it is important to show special sensitivity to the broadcasts to be made and the subjects to be discussed in these difficult days that we are going through as a nation."

Pointing out that the programs should serve to bring people together with the right information, be enlightening, unifying and constructive, Erbaş continued as follows: "Superstitions, agitation and exclusionary attitudes should be avoided absolutely. In particular, all kinds of attitudes and behaviours that adversely affect individual and social psychology and do not contribute to the healing of wounds and the relief of suffering should be carefully avoided."

Emphasizing that style of speaking is highly important when talking about issues regarding religion, faith and worship, Erbaş continued his words as follows:

“Style of speaking is our identity. It is clear that speaking in a style that is far from kindness, grace and moderation, which are an integral part of the Muslim identity, and making sensational statements with the idea that they should be watched more and followed more will not benefit anyone. In addition, it is a great sin to undermine the healing function of Ramadan and worship by bringing issues that have no use to our people to the screens randomly. All kinds of words and behaviours that will be common to this sin should be avoided. Within this context, I ask both our brothers who make programs in the media and our nation to show the necessary sensitivity.”

“Hoped For One Is You, May Our Brotherhood Be Blessed with Zakat”

Erbaş stated that Presidency of Religious Affairs together with Türkiye Diyanet Foundation (TDV), which works for goodness to prevail in the world, carries out a project with the theme “Hoped For One Is You, May Our Brotherhood Be Blessed with Zakat”.

Erbaş stated that Tükiye Diyanet Foundation will keep the spiritual climate of Ramadan alive by standing by the victims and needy citizens in 81 provinces and all districts with the support of the nation during the month of Ramadan this year.

Stating that they will establish the 'Tables of Goodness' that they establish every year for millions of people this year as well, Erbaş said: “This year, this Ramadan, we will concentrate on iftar and sahur tables, especially in our 11 provinces in the earthquake region. As Türkiye Diyanet Foundation, we aim to deliver aid to more than 2.5 million people by distributing 100 thousand food packages, 100 thousand cleaning packages, 150 thousand shopping aid cards, one million iftar-sahur offerings and 50 thousand Eid clothes in the first stage this Ramadan. Inshallah, we will continue to increase our aid with the donations of our benefactors. During the month of Ramadan, we will endeavor to deliver 25,000 Holy Qurans to our brothers and sisters in the earthquake region and in 81 provinces within the scope of the "Let My Gift Be the Quran" campaign.”

Erbaş said that citizens who want to deliver aid to those in need can make donations of zakat, sadaqah al-fitr, fidyah, shopping cards, food packages, cleaning and hygiene packages, iftar-sahur and Eid donations during the month of Ramadan at the addresses of "" and "", as well as through provincial and district mufti's offices, branches of Türkiye Diyanet Foundation and contracted banks.

Stating that donors can also donate by writing "FİTRE" or "FİDYE" from post-paid and non-post-paid lines connected to all GSM operators and sending SMS to 2177, Erbaş noted that an SMS fee is 70 liras, which is a sadaqah al-fitr or fidyah fee.

At the program, Vice President of Religious Affairs Assoc. Prof. Dr. Burhan İşliyen made a greeting speech. (ILKHA)