The crude marriage rate expressing the number of marriages per thousand population was 6.76 per thousand in 2022.

The number of divorced couples was 180 thousand 954 in 2022

While the number of couples who got divorced was 175 thousand 779 in 2021, it was 180 thousand 954 in 2022. Crude divorce rate expressing the number of divorces per thousand population was 2.13 per thousand in 2022.

Mean age at first marriage was increased

When the mean age at first marriage was analyzed by years, it was seen that there was increase in both sexes. Mean age at first marriage was 28.2 for males and 25.6 for females in 2022. Mean age difference at first marriage between male and female was 2.6 years.

The highest crude marriage rate was in Şanlıurfa with 8.15 per thousand

 The province having the highest crude marriage rate was Şanlıurfa with 8.15 per thousand in 2022. Şanlıurfa was followed by Kilis with 8.14 per thousand and Aksaray with 7.88 per thousand. The province having the lowest crude marriage rate was Tunceli with 4.69 per thousand. Tunceli was followed by Gümüşhane with 4.88 per thousand and Kastamonu with 5.30 per thousand.

 Significant changes were observed in the number of marriages by months

When the number of marriages was analyzed by months, there was a decrease in the number of marriages in April 2022 compared to the same month of the previous year. While there was a decrease in the number of marriages in April due to the effect of Ramadan, a significant increase was observed in May. While the number of marriages was 24 thousand 460 in April 2022, it increased 2.3 times and became 56 thousand 150 in May.

While the number of foreign grooms was 6 thousand 161, foreign brides was 28 thousand 571

When the marriage of foreign persons in total marriages was analyzed, the number of foreign grooms was 6 thousand 161 in 2022 and it was 1.1% of total grooms. On the other hand, the number of foreign brides was 28 thousand 571 and it was 5.0% of total brides.

When foreign grooms were analyzed by citizenship, German grooms took first place with 24.9% in foreign grooms. German grooms were followed by Syrian grooms with 20.5% and Austrian grooms with 5.7%.

 When foreign brides were analyzed by citizenship, Syrian brides took first place with 13.2% in foreign brides. Syrian brides were followed by Uzbekistani brides with 11.1% and Azerbaijani brides with 8.9%.

The highest crude divorce rate was in İzmir with 3.11 per thousand

The province having the highest crude divorce rate was İzmir with 3.11 per thousand in 2022. İzmir was followed by Uşak with 3.09 per thousand and Antalya with 3.01 per thousand. The province having the lowest crude divorce rate was Şırnak with 0.43 per thousand. This province was followed by Hakkari with 0.44 per thousand, Siirt with 0.51 per thousand.

Significant changes were observed in the number of divorces by months

When the number of divorces was analyzed by months, a significant decrease was observed in August due to the judicial holiday. While the number of divorces was 3 thousand 945 in August 2022, it increased 5.0 times in September after the judicial holiday and became 19 thousand 775.

32.7% of divorces occurred in the first five years of marriage

When the proportion of divorces are analyzed by the duration of marriage, 32.7% of divorces occurred in the first five years of marriage and 21.6% of divorces occurred in the marriages with the duration of 6-10 years in 2022.

Last year 180 thousand 592 children were affected by divorce events

As a result of the divorce cases finalized in 2022, while 180 thousand 954 couples were divorced, 180 thousand 592 children were given to guardianship. It was seen that guardianship of children was mostly given to the mother. 75.7% of the guardianship of the children was given to the mother and 24.3% to the father in 2022. (ILKHA)