“We’d like to put you in the picture of an imminent danger threatening our holy sites in Palestine in general, most notably the Aqsa Mosque, after the extreme right-wing Zionist government took office and embarked on raising the level of its escalation through allowing its national security minister Itamar Ben-Gvir to storm the Aqsa Mosque for religious and political motives and make racist remarks reflecting the extremist occupation government’s intents to impose its control over the Aqsa Mosque,” Haneyya stated in a letter sent on Wednesday to heads of state and officials of Arab and Islamic countries.

“This is a serious development that cannot be tolerated or accepted at all and that portends the outbreak of a new confrontation in Palestine, which will have direct impacts on the entire region,” the Hamas leader said.

“We call upon you today to voice a clear and decisive position against the extremist tendencies of the Zionist government, which has launched a new settler-colonial campaign based on a Talmudic ideological vision that aims to obliterate our people’s rights, control their land, judaize their holy sites and turn the Aqsa Mosque into what they call the temple,” he emphasized in his letter. (ILKHA)