“The living conditions in Gaza, which has been besieged by the zionist occupation regime from the air, land, and sea since 2007, are getting worse and worse,” said Serkan Ramanlı, a spokesman for HÜDA PAR in his party’s weekly statement regarding recent international and domestic issues.

Ramanlı said: “The silence of the world against this genocide is unprecedented as the zionist occupation regime tries to destroy the entire population with air strikes on the region where there is a shortage of food and medicine. The invaders, who deliberately target women and children in front of the world in Gaza, are unfortunately experiencing their strongest period due to the support provided by the countries in the region. The greater the cooperation with the occupiers, the greater the persecution."

"The Muslim public should not accept the captivity of Gaza, which has been turned into an open-air prison, and should strongly support the campaign launched by the People's Congress of Palestinians Abroad to break the Gaza blockade. Unless Gaza is freed from the blockade and embargo, and unless the Palestinian lands are liberated from the invaders, it is not possible for the region to find peace." Ramanlı stated.

US thuggery and the Syrian regime’s attacks on refugee camps

Regarding the US smuggling of Syrian oil and the Assad regime's attacks on civilians, Ramanlı noted the following: “Syrian oil, which is the property and wealth of the Syrian people, is stolen by the USA and sold in world markets. Just last week, a convoy of 144 oil-laden tankers was smuggled into Iraqi territory from the Mahmudiye crossing in the northeast of Hasaka.

Hasaka, Raqqa and Deir ez-Zor regions, where oil and natural gas deposits are located in Syria, are under the occupation of the US and the armed forces under its control. While only 14,2 thousand barrels of the 80 thousand barrels of oil produced here per day are delivered to the refineries, the rest is plundered by the USA.

Instead of preventing this looting, the Syrian regime is unfortunately busy bombing innocent people who escaped death and took shelter in refugee camps. A cluster bomb attack was carried out on the Maram Camp, which was established in the north of Idlib, which was declared as a 'Non-Conflict Zone' in the Astana process and where the ceasefire was significantly protected, 6 civilians died and 75 people were injured in the attack. We strongly condemn this attack. We wish Allah's mercy on the deceased and a speedy recovery to the injured.

Iran and Russia, which are the guarantor countries in the Astana process, are obliged to prevent such attacks conducted by the Assad regime. All parties in Syria should accept that the problems cannot be resolved with violence, seek solutions through political negotiations, and make efforts to ensure peace and tranquility in the country.” (ILKHA)