Mujahid, who came to Turkey to attend the 7th Islamic Scholars Meeting held by ITTIHADUL ULEMA, spoke to Ilke News Agency regarding very important topics, including the secrets behind Afghan people’s success in driving US forces out of their countries, the consequences of 2-decade long US occupation and the current social and economic situation in Afghanistan.

“The Afghan people launched a jihad against occupation forces and God blessed them with victory. This victory is not only a victory for Afghans, but for all Muslims,” Zabiullah said.

Noting that the United States and some European countries do not want an Islamic government in Afghanistan and they are trying to defame the new Afghan government Zabiullah said: “They continue to press leverage on other countries to not recognize our government. Neighboring countries also refuse to recognize us for fear of the US.”

Stating that the allegations of violations of women’s rights in the country do not reflect the truth, Zabiullah went on to say: “Women work and receive education in all institutions where they are required to work. All areas that women should be in are completely in their own hands. None of what has been said is true and is just black propaganda.”

Touching upon the current economic situation in the country, Zabiullah said: “The economic problems in the country began to be overcome. $9 billion of the total assets of the Afghan central bank in US banks was arbitrarily blocked by the US government. They don't want us to be a strong state. We expect this cruel decision to be reversed as soon as possible.”

“Afghan people launched a jihad against the occupation forces and Allah helped them”

Reminding that Afghanistan has been a place where blood and tears kept on flowing for about 40 years and that it has been under the occupation of the US for the last 20 years, Zabiullah said: As you know, Afghanistan has been under US occupation for the last 20 years. A war they did not want was imposed on the Afghan people. Our people have suffered a lot because of their freedom spirit and faith. Afghan people launched a jihad against the occupation forces and Allah granted them a great victory. This victory is not only a victory for Afghans, but for all Muslims. Because all Muslims supported the Afghan people in the war. They prayed for us. They helped us.”

Expressing the need to find a way to end the conflicts among Muslims, Zabiullah said: “The weakening of Muslims must be prevented so that they are not suspectable to the attacks of the enemies. It is necessary to put one's trust in Allah in order to free oneself from cruelty and persecution. The leadership of Ulema (Islamic Scholars) is very important in fighting against enemies. We have experienced this in Afghanistan and we have been successful.”

“Our people will live in peace and security”

“We are determined to foil the attacks that are intermittently carried out in the country,” Zabiullah emphasized.

“A very extremist and small group emerged a few years ago in Afghanistan under the name of ISIS. We fought both against the occupying USA and against them. We have almost completely eliminated them. However, in some places, they still continue their activities in a very secret way. They have adopted a takfiri ideology and find pleasure in killing people.

In short, there is a takfiri group in Afghanistan, albeit a very small one. Their attacks became very infrequent. From time to time, they attack either a school or a mosque. The Islamic Emirate responded to the murders they committed, and I hope it will continue to do so. We have foiled many attacks. We captured the leaders of the group. Unfortunately, they targeted some of our prominent scholars, including Mulawai Mujeebur Rehman Ansari and Obeidullah Zubd, in the attacks on the mosques. We have now ensured security. Our nation will live in peace and security henceforth. We have established a government that will overcome all challenges.”

“Some countries try to isolate Afghanistan as well as Afghan people”

Stating that the United States and some European countries do not want an Islamic government to be established in Afghanistan and they are trying to defame the new Afghan government, Zabiullah continued his remarks as follows:” Unfortunately, some countries do not want the Afghan government to be officially recognized. I mean some Western countries. They also prevent other countries from improving cooperation with the new Afghan government. Although Islamic Emirate is doing its best on this matter, they continue to press leverage on other countries to not recognize the government. There is no logical reason for this. $9 billion of the total assets of the Afghan central bank in US banks was arbitrarily blocked by the US government. At the moment they do not allow us to have that money. The money is the Afghan people's own assets. But they blocked it. They also cause trouble for the banks in Afghanistan. They continue to cause problems in money transfers both to and from Afghanistan. This is a cruel policy. This should be stopped immediately. I think they aim to isolate Afghanistan, so prevent us to have a powerful government.

“We have eliminated all threats against our people”

Zabiullah noted that before the end of the US occupation, at least 200 people used to lose their lives in the attacks every day, adding that "complete security" has been ensured in the country since the Islamic Emirate's cabinet was established.

“There is currently no threat to the Afghan people. Thousands of courts have been established in across the country to defend people's rights. Anyone who thinks that they have been subjected to a violation of their rights can immediately apply to the courts to seek their rights.”

“They try to defame the Islamic Emirate over 'women's rights'”

Emphasizing that the allegations of violations of women’s rights in the country do not reflect the truth, Zabiullah said: “Women work and receive education in all institutions where they are required to work. All areas that women should be in are completely in their own hands. None of what has been said is true and is just black propaganda.”

Mujahid continued: “Before the US occupation, the schooling rate in Afghanistan was around 30 percent. There were schools only in big settlements. There were no educational institutions such as schools and madrasahs in small settlements.  After the declaration of the Islamic Emirate, the schooling rate reached 100 percent.  Currently, educational institutions continue to work actively in villages, towns, and cities in 41 provinces.  Both children and women can receive education in Afghanistan.  Of course, this education is given according to the principles of Islamic Sharia.  Some Afghan families remain concerned about the chastity and safety of women.  Each country has its own habits, traditions, and customs. Single-gender education was provided for them.  Despite this, black propaganda is being directed at us.  They claim that ‘Women are not given their rights in Afghanistan; human rights are not respected.'  They started to make a fuss in this way.  However, women work in all institutions where they are required to work and receive education in universities where women are the administrators. All areas where women should be are completely in the hands of women.  There are also women who serve in the police force.  Apart from this, women continue to work in airports, banks, passport offices, and similar places. Despite this, none of these are seen and baseless accusations are made against us.  They are being used as a tool of unfair pressure against us.  None of what has been said is true and is just black propaganda.”

“Islamic Emirate declared a general amnesty”

Stating that one of the biggest acts of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan was the declaration of general amnesty after the US forces were driven out of Afghanistan, Mujahid said that even those who worked in the previous government and were in cooperation with them were forgiven for their past crimes. Saying that the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan does not approach anyone with feelings of "revenge" even if they served the occupiers.

“We called on all citizens not to leave Afghanistan. We said that no harm would be done to anyone, but unfortunately, the Americans and Western countries have deceived some Afghans. They said, ‘Whoever wants to come with us, our planes are at their service.’ Therefore, some preferred to flee. They did not flee for their own lives or for fear of their safety.  They chose to live in Europe. In short, it was an unfair incentive.  They took them, placed them in camps, and took them to their home countries. At that time, America declared that it would open the doors of its own country and would grant asylum to those who fled the country.  A few other states have made similar statements. In fact, there was no problem for anyone in Afghanistan.  Because the Islamic Emirate created a commission and called on Afghans in America and other European countries to return to their own countries. Some senior officials of the former government returned to Afghanistan.  They are currently living their daily lives safely in their own homes.  Likewise, soldiers and policemen of the former government are currently living in their own homes in Afghanistan.  There is no danger to them. Claims that the lives of those working in the former government in the country are in danger are just black propaganda, they are not true,” Mujahid said. (ILKHA)