With the participation of many prominent Islamic scholars, the seventh edition of “Islamic Scholars Meeting” is being held at the headquarters of ITTIHADUL ULEMA in Türkiye’s southeastern Diyarbakır.

The spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Zabiullah Mujahid, and two senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mufti Muhammad Akbar Azimi and Waliullah Shaheen were invited to the 7th Islamic Scholars Meeting, which started at 10:00 on Saturday with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran.

After the opening address by Mullah Enver Kılıçarslan, the chairman of ITTIHADUL ULEMA (the Union of Islamic Scholars and Madrasahs), Zabiullah Mujahid, the spokesperson of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, delivered a speech on the “Role of Islamic scholars in Afghanistan's Liberation and Development” at the meeting.

Underlining that Islamic scholars have a critical responsibility to reshape the futures of Muslim nations, Mujahid said: “The Prophet says that the scholars of Islamic ummah are like the prophets of the children of Israel. The scholars have to play a major role in ensuring the unity of the ummah. They have a duty to take the oppressed people out of oppression and make them dignified. At the same time, when social immorality has surrounded the entire ummah, they are responsible for eliminating it as well.”

“Islamic scholars led the jihad ranks in Afghanistan”

Reminding that Afghanistan has been occupied three times so far in history by Britain, Russia and the United States, Mujahid noted that Afghan people resisted against the occupiers under the leadership of Islamic scholars.

Mujahid pointed out the importance of scholars in the fight against the US occupation, saying: “Islamic scholars were actively in the fight against the US occupation in Afghanistan. They led the jihad ranks. They fought so that there would be no conflict between the mujahideen. There was no division in the jihadist ranks until the occupation ended. This was thanks to scholars.”

“Traditionally, Sunni Islam of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence was the dominant religion of Afghanistan. Imam Hanifi does not accept the unjust takfir of a person. This sect is a very cautious about takfirism. We support neither ifrad nor tafrid (extremes on both sides of the equilibrium),” Mujahid underlined.

Stating that the enemies of Islam are trying to defame Islam and Muslims in various ways, especially through media today, Mujahid emphasized that defamatory statements targeting Islam and Muslims have been going on since the time of the Prophet Muhammad.

“Administrative and moral corruption has been reduced to the lowest level in Afghanistan”

“There were many problems in Afghanistan. People were being led into ignorance. This also happened at the time of the invasion. Islamic scholars have solved all these issues. Administrative and moral corruption was reduced to the lowest level. There may be sins committed secretly, but what is done openly does not remain in our country. And this was thanks to the scholars,” Zabiullah Mujahid stated.

Noting that the new Afghan government has not yet been recognized by Western countries, Zabiullah Mujahid went on to say: “Ours is an Islamic government. If they recognize our government, they will have recognized Islam, but they do not accept it because their troubles are with Islam. As Islamic Emirate, we have fulfilled all the necessary conditions to be recognized. Our situation is even better than before. We have ensured safety and security in the country.

Mujahid stated that Islamic world is now struggling with inner conflicts, and urged Islamic scholar to do their best to establish unity among Muslims.

“We should stand up to the moral corruption of today. Immorality is spreading everywhere. This threatens future generations. This is done via the Internet and other means. Islamic scholars should be able to prevent this. This can be achieved through tabligh (that means to reach out, to make known or to let people be informed) and madrasas,” he concluded. (ILKHA)