“The latest leak is on Nord Stream 2, near a larger hole on nearby Nord Stream 1,” Jenny Larsson, a coast guard spokesperson, told newspaper Svenska Dagbladet.

“Two of these four are in Sweden’s exclusive economic zone,” he noted.

The two other holes are in the Danish exclusive economic zone.

On Monday the Nord Stream 1 and the Nord Stream 2 pipelines both ruptured. Unexplained large pressure drops were reported in both pipelines at the end-station in Germany. A gas leak from NS2 was located late on 26 September.

Early on Tuesday, two separate leaks in NS1 were discovered. The leaks are in international waters, but within the Danish and Swedish economic zones.

Both Berliner Zeitung and Le Monde newspapers have asked if it is sabotage, and a Kremlin spokesman said it could be. Both pipelines were not in operation at the time of these incidents, but do contain gas. (ILKHA)