“The policy of security coordination with the Zionist enemy is a crime and a behavior that is contrary to all national norms and values, so steps should be taken to stop it and give our revolutionary people a free hand to defend themselves, their land and holy sites with all available means,” Hamas said in a statement on Tuesday on the 29th anniversary of the Oslo accords.

Hamas called on the PA leadership to declare its renunciation of the Oslo accords and their security and economic annexes.

The Movement also called on the Palestinian people from all spectra and leaders of Palestinian factions at home and abroad to dispose of the Oslo accords era through starting immediately to rearrange the Palestinian house, reform the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and adopt a unified struggle strategy.

“We categorically reject any agreement signed by any party that does not recognize our people’s legitimate rights, especially their right to struggle and resist in order to defend themselves, their land and holy sites, liberate their land, return to the cities and villages from which they were expelled, and establish their independent state with full sovereignty and with Jerusalem as its capital city,” the Movement underscored. (ILKHA)