The US occupation of Afghanistan ended exactly one year ago on August 31 2021 when the last US soldier left the country.

The new Afghan government declared Wednesday a national holiday and adorned the capital with colored lights to celebrate the first anniversary of the withdrawal of US-led troops from Afghanistan after a brutal 20-year war.

Large number of people celebrated this day in huge gatherings in several provinces of the country.

Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund 

“We have fought for two decades for this day to regain our freedom. I congratulate the martyrs who have given great sacrifices for this historic day,” said Prime Minister Mullah Mohammad Hassan Akhund in the celebration of the first anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.

Akhund also called on western countries “to come to negotiations for resolving problems instead of making excuses for creating more ones.”

After one year of withdrawal, the US is still practicing its pressure policy on the Afghan nation, freezing of $9 billion of assets of the Central Bank of Afghanistan.

The blockage of the people's money along with the European countries' support for the White House policies have severely impacted the lives of the Afghan people and made it difficult for them to access food and basic livelihood needs. (ILKHA)