In a statement, Hamas expressed its deep concern about Biden’s visit to the occupied Palestinian territories and the region, holding the US administration responsible for the repercussions resulting from such visit.

The Movement warned against the agenda of this visit, saying it clearly reflects the US administration’s ongoing efforts to perpetuate the zionist occupation and support its aggression against the Palestinian people, their land and holy sites.

It also expressed its belief that Biden’s visit was part of the attempts to integrate the occupation state into the region and expand the circle of the Arab normalization with it, warning that the region and its peoples would face further challenges to their security and stability because of such US moves.

Hamas called on the US administration to stop underestimating the Palestinian people’s inalienable rights and aligning itself with the occupation state, which it said “has no regard for all international conventions and resolutions, especially those issued by the UN Security Council.” (ILKHA)