In a statement today, Hamas said that zionist regime’s growing crimes against the Palestinian people and its persistence in shedding their blood would only increase their adherence to all forms of resistance to wrest their rights and achieve their aspirations for liberation and return.

The Movement condemned the ZOF for obstructing the evacuation of Warasnah by an ambulance crew after opening fire at her, describing such behavior as “insistence on committing their crime” and a “reflection of their bloodthirsty nature.”

Warasnah, a 31-year-old journalist from Shuyukh al-Arrub village in al-Khalil, was shot dead by an Israeli soldier at the main entrance of al-Arroub camp.

The zionist occupation army claimed she approached the soldier with a knife in her hand when he immediately gunned her down.

The Palestinian health ministry said a bullet entered her body under her left arm and passed through her chest to the other side.

For its part, the Red Crescent said that the ZOF prevented its medical staff from attending to Warasnah, and only allowed her evacuation about 20 minutes after she was shot at. (ILKHA)