“The United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) expresses its serious concern about armed clashes yesterday, 15 May, that involved indiscriminate fire and the alleged use of heavy weapons, in Janzour area, a densely populated neighborhood in Tripoli,” the Mission said.

The mission warned that the current mobilization of forces affiliated with different armed groups has created tensions and increased the risk of clashes that could spiral into armed conflict, adding: “Such incidents highlight again the urgent need to address the proliferation and use of weapons outside the control of the state. The Mission calls on all Libyan actors to maintain calm on the ground at this critical juncture in the country.”

The Mission also called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint and to use dialogue to resolve contentious issues, reminding all parties of their obligations to ensure the protection of civilians, civilian infrastructure, and public calm. (ILKHA)