Itikaf is an Islamic practice consisting of a period of staying in a mosque for a certain number of days, devoting oneself to ibadah during these days, and staying away from worldly affairs.

The literal meaning of the word suggests sticking and adhering to, or being regular in something.

It is particularly popular among devout Muslims during the last 10 days of Ramadan, during which one secludes oneself in a room or in a part of the mosque and spends all one's time praying, supplicating, or reading Qur'an or hadith.

Narrated by Aisha, the wife of the Prophet Muhammed (sallallahu alayhi wasallam): “The Prophet used to practice Itikaf in the last ten days of Ramadan till he died and then his wives used to practice Itikaf after him.”

It is compulsory for men to perform Itikaf in a Masjid, where they can offer all five prayers in congregation. Women can also perform in a masjid if they have the privacy and necessary facilities. Otherwise, they can practice it at home, selecting a corner where they won’t be disturbed and can meditate in peace.

It is compulsory for men to perform Itikaf in a Masjid, where they can offer all five prayers in congregation. Women can also perform in a masjid if they have the privacy and necessary facilities. Otherwise, they can practice it at home, selecting a corner where they won’t be disturbed and can meditate in peace.

What to Do During Itikaf

Five daily prayers: It is prescribed that all Muslims pray five daily fard (obligatory) prayers, so this is obviously expected during itikaf. It is also suggested that Muslims pray the sunnah prayers with each of the fard prayers.

Taraweeh: This is the prayer that occurs after Isha prayer during Ramadan. It can be 8 to 20 rakah (units of prayer), depending on who is leading Taraweeh. By participating in Taraweeh, you will hear/recite the whole Qur'an during the month of Ramadan.

Nafl prayers: During itikaf, it is a good time to pray nafl (voluntary) prayers.

Read and memorize Qur'an: Another act of worshiping Allah is to read and study the Qur'an. Don't just read the Qur'an, study the tafseer (interpretation) of the Qur'an. Also, take this time to try to memorize and focus on tajweed (proper pronunciation) as much of the Qur'an as you can.

Read and memorize hadiths: Also spend time learning and even memorizing sahih (authentic) hadiths. Also, reflect on their meaning and how to apply them to your daily life.

Make du'a: Be sure to make plenty of du'a (prayer of worship). Compile a list of du'a to learn and recite daily.

Make dhikr: Also spelled zikr, dhikr translates to remembrance. Itikaf is all about remembering Allah and raising your level of taqwa (piety/consciousness of Allah).

Teaching and learning: Although social conversations should be kept to a minimum, there is great reward in not just learning the Qur'an and ways to better worship Allah, but there are also great rewards for anyone who spends time teaching and helping another person perfect their acts of worship and knowledge. (ILKHA)