The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the victim as Qusai Fuad Hamamra, a resident of Husan. 14 other youths were also injured during the clashes.

The child was left bleeding for long hours without medical aid till breathing his last. The ZOF then seized his body.

Local sources said that Hamamra was hit with ten bullets that riddled his little body.

The clashes broke out at the entrance to Husan town after being violently stormed by ZOF troops amid heavy firing of teargas canisters and sound bombs.

Zionist military sources claimed that he was shot after hurling a Molotov cocktail at ZOF soldiers.

Hamamra is the second Palestinian killed on Wednesday by the ZOF. On Wednesday morning, a 34-year-old Palestinian lawyer was killed by ZOF gunfire in Nablus.

Since the start of the year, 41 Palestinians have been killed by the ZOF, 13 of them in April. (ILKHA)