As an international help organization based in Istanbul, Hope Caravan Foundation engages in a great deal of charity works such as the construction of mosques and freshwater wells and the delivery of food, clothes, and shoes to the poor across the world.

The foundation, which serves as a bridge between the rich and the poor, has accelerated its charitable activities ahead of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan, due to start on Saturday.

Speaking to Ilke News Agency regarding their charitable efforts, Ramazan Tokdemir, the head of the Hope Caravan’s Siirt Branch, called on the rich people to donate more money during Ramadan month, which is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting (sawm), prayer, reflection, and community.

“We distributed food aid to poor, needy, and orphan families ahead of Ramadan. We will continue charitable activities throughout the month of Ramadan. Ramadan is the month of blessings and forgiveness. But since there are many people in need, we cannot respond to their needs. Because the financial sources we have are very limited. I would like to call on the philanthropists to come to be with us and support these poor. As much as they support, we will have the opportunity to help more people in need,” Tokdemir added. (ILKHA)