In a weekly statement, HÜDA PAR Headquarters expressed the party’s views on the ongoing Russian attacks against Ukraine and the brutalities of the zionist occupation regime in Palestine.

“Even if the war is taking place between Russia and Ukraine, it is actually a ‘hegemonic war’ between Russia and the USA  that has been going on for a long time. Turkey should stay away from this war between the two colonial powers of the world,” HÜDA PAR said.

“All relations with the occupying regime should be cut immediately”

Pointing out that the Zionist regime, which continues the occupation and massacre in Palestinian lands, uses nuclear waste as a weapon against Palestine, it was reminded that hundreds of people die from cancer every year in the lands where the wastes are buried.

Emphasizing that the occupation regime, which tried all kinds of massacres on the Palestinian people, committed a crime against humanity, HÜDA PAR went on to say: “It is a shame that no concrete step has yet been taken against the invader, who violates all legal and humanitarian rules. The occupation of the Zionist regime is not limited to Palestine, the occupation regime continues its attacks in Syria at every opportunity. The Zionist regime, which says it will double the number of so-called settlers in the occupied Golan Heights, is violating international law by actively attacking Syrian territory. If the occupation regime is not stopped, it will spread in the region like a virus and all Islamic countries will have their share of the occupation and massacre. All relations with the occupying regime should be cut immediately. All kinds of political and military measures should be taken against the occupying regime by ensuring regional cooperation.”

“Islamic countries should establish their own international institutions immediately”

Regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine, HÜDA PAR said: “Russia, which has been preparing for war for months, has been attacking its neighbor Ukraine from the air and land for five days. There is no justification for this attack aimed at invading Ukraine.  Even if the war is taking place between Russia and Ukraine, it is actually a fight for dominance between Russia, the USA, and NATO that has been going on for a long time. This war is a dirty showdown of the imperialists, who want to take the world under their hegemony, over other peoples and states. The USA and the Western world have encouraged the war from the very first day while provoking Russia on the one hand and promising support and assistance to Ukraine on the other. However, when the war started, they did not keep their word and left Ukraine alone with Russia. As always, the UN could not condemn Russia for the injustice in the decision-making mechanism.  Another interesting point is that the representative of Russia is chairing the urgently convened UN session due to Russia's aggression. It has been seen once again that the UN, with this structure, is actually the main source and legitimator of oppression and injustice in the world.  Therefore, it is not possible to establish peace in the world. This structure needs to be changed urgently. The oppressed peoples of the world, especially the Islamic countries, should establish their own unions immediately. The imperial powers have never had any ambitions other than their own interests. Turkey should stay away from this war between the two colonial powers of the world.” (ILKHA)