IHO EBRAR, which engages in a great deal of charity works such as the construction of mosques and freshwater wells and the delivery of food, clothes, and shoes to the poor across the world, is carrying out charitable activities in Mali.

With the support of benefactors, the organization provided meals and food assistance to hundreds of orphans and children in Bamako on the occasion of the Laylat al Miraj, which celebrates the Prophet Muhammad's nighttime journey from Mecca to Jerusalem, where he then ascended to heaven.

Speaking to Ilke News Agency regarding their aid activities, Ali Taş, the representative of the organization in Mali, said: “As IHO EBRAR, we are continuing our aid efforts in Mali. We distributed meals to hundreds of orphans and children in need on the occasion of Laylat al Miraj. May Allah be pleased with the benefactors who have supported us. We perform sacrificial slaughter, distribute food parcels, inaugurate water wells, open mosques, carry out health screening tests, and organize circumcision and Iftar programs in many regions of the country.”

Taş also thanked the philanthropists for their donations. (ILKHA)