In the press conference that was held in the Kayapınar district of Turkey’s southeastern Diyarbakır province, ITTIHADUL ULEMA and the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation urged the international community to hold meetings, conferences and to contribute more to the Palestinian issue during the week to define the status of Al-Quds and Palestine and its religious and historic value for the Islamic community.

“The cause of Quds (Jerusalem) is the common cause of all Muslims. It is one of the causes that will exalt the Ummah (Islamic World), realize unity among Muslims, and will bring humiliation on the most brutal enemy of the Ummah. It is obligatory for all Muslims to defend Quds, to put the cause of Quds on the top of the World’s agenda, to work for the liberation of it.  The cause of Quds is a matter of honor for all Muslim peoples,” said Yahya Oğraş, the deputy chairman of the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation.

“The unchangeable item of our agenda will always be Quds until its liberation”

Oğraş continued his remarks as follows: “The Prophet’s Lovers Foundation, we will continue to support any organizations and events (a day or a week dedicated to the cause of Quds) that aim to serve the cause of Quds, to contribute the liberation of Quds, and to bring the cause of Quds to the agenda of Muslims. Insha’Allah, we will take up for all activities and events that are intended for serving the cause of Quds, by not seeing any activity as an alternative or rival to another. The unchangeable item of our agenda will always be Quds until its liberation.”

Yahya Oğraş

Reminding that as the Prophet’s Lovers Foundation, they held events and provided support for the programs organized on the occasion of the International Quds (Jerusalem) Week, which was announced last year with the joint initiative and decision of the International Union of Muslim Scholars and the Palestinian Scholars Association, Oğraş said: “Insha’Allah, we will organize many events and programs this year, too, that will serve the cause of Jerusalem on the occasion of the World Jerusalem Week, which will be celebrated between February 25 and March 04. Our goal is to contribute to the liberation of Quds, our first qibla, from the zionist occupation, and to raise awareness of our people about the Jerusalem cause.”

“As the followers and successors of Saladin, we are determined to do whatever it takes for the liberation of Quds”

“The International Quds (Jerusalem) Week is celebrated in the last week of Rajab month, as the week of Rajab month includes some very important events related to Quds. Above all, Israh and Miraj night falls within that week. As it is known, Isra and Mi'raj Night marks our Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascent into heaven. Again, on the day of Miraj in Rajab of 583 AH, the Islamic Army under the command of the Conqueror of Jerusalem, Saladin Ayyubi, defeated the Crusaders in the Battle of Hattin and liberated our first qibla Masjid al-Aqsa,” Oğraş stated.

“As the followers and successors of Saladin, we are determined to do whatever it takes for the liberation of Quds. We will shoulder the cause of Quds with all our might, and do our best to be the advocates and supporters of this cause everywhere,” Oğraş emphasized.

Speaking at the press conference, ITTIHADUL ULEMA Secretary-General, Mehmet Özer, said that they will launch hashtag campaign “#KudüsHaftası” at 11:00 o’clock on Friday to raise public awareness regarding Palestine and Quds Cause.

Mehmet Özer

“We will hold mass rallies on Friday after Friday prayers in many cities and towns, including Diyarbakir, Batman, Cizre, Kahta, Van, Elazig, Bingol, Kayseri, Konya, Adana Mersin, Osmaniye, Tarsus, Antep, Sanliurfa, Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Yalova, Balikesir, Bilecik, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, and Gumushane,” Mehmet Özer noted.

“We will organize on Sunday the International Scholars Meeting for Jerusalem with the participation of many Islamic scholars across the Islamic world,” Özer said, adding that they will also hold many other meetings, seminaries, conferences, and workshops during the week.

Özer called on all Muslims who desire the liberation of Jerusalem, all conscientious and free-willed people who are disturbed by the murders and atrocities of the murderous zionist gangs to support and participate in the events that we will organize on the occasion of the International Quds Week. (ILKHA)