Many forerunner Muslims, including İskilipli Atif Hodja, Hasan El-Benna, and Malcolm X, were the target of the oppressors because they did not submit to persecution, oppression, and imposition, and they were martyred in this month.

We commemorate our blessed martyrs, who ingrained in the determination to fight against tyrants in Muslims in our recent history.

Hassan Al-Banna

Hassan al-Banna was born on 14 October 1906 in Mahmudiyya, a rural Nile Delta town in the Beheira Governorate northwest of Cairo.

His father, Sheikh Ahmad Abd al-Rahman al-Banna al-Sa'ati, was a Hanbali imam, muezzin and mosque teacher. His father was an important spiritual influence during al-Banna's early life. Sheikh Ahmad was known for his work as a Hanbali scholar, particularly his classifications of the traditions of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal al-Shaybani. These classifications became known as Musnad al-Fath al-Rabbani. Through this work, Sheikh Ahmad forged connections with Islamic scholars that proved useful when his son moved to Cairo in 1932.

In addition to his early exposure to Hanbali puritanism, Hassan al-Banna was inspired by Rashid Rida's magazine, Al-Manar. He was also heavily influenced by Sufism as a youth in Mahmudiyya. He attended weekly Hadra and was a member of the al-Hassafiyya Sufi order.


Hassan Al-Banna

Al-Banna was first exposed to Egyptian nationalist politics during the Egyptian Revolution of 1919; he was thirteen years old at the time. In his personal accounts, al-Banna identified with the widespread activism of the time. Despite of his young age, al-Banna participated in demonstrations in Damanhur, self-published political pamphlets, and founded youth reform societies.

Although Al-Banna's family were not members of the Egyptian elite, they were relatively well-respected in Mahmudiyya. Sheikh Ahmad's was a distinguished imam and the family owned some property. However, during the 1920s economic crisis, the family had trouble sustaining the upkeep of their property and moved to Cairo in 1924.

In Mahmudiyya, al-Banna studied in the village mosque with Sheikh Zahran. The two developed a close relationship that influenced al-Banna's early intellectual and religious development. In addition to the mosque school, al-Banna received private instruction from his father. He also studied in Cairo for four years; he attended Dar al-‘Ulum, an Egyptian institution that educated prospective teachers in modern subjects. The school was not very traditional and al-Banna enrolled against his father's wishes, as a break from typical Islamic conservatism. Building upon his father's scholarly connections, al-Banna became associated with the Islamic Society for Nobility of Islamic Morals and the Young Men's Muslim Association (YMMA). He published more than fifteen articles in Majallat al-Fath, an influential Islamic journal associated with the YMMA.

Al-Banna learned of the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924, while he was still a student. This event influenced him greatly; although the caliphate had no power, he viewed its end as a "calamity". He later called the events a "declaration of war against all shapes of Islam".

After completing his studies at a Dar al-‘Ulum in 1927, al-Banna became a primary school teacher in Ismailia. At that time, Ismailia was the location of the Egyptian headquarters of the Suez Canal. Foreign influence was stronger in Ismailia than in other parts of Egypt. While living there, al-Banna grew increasingly disillusioned with British cultural colonialism. He was especially concerned that hasty attempts to modernize Egypt often had the negative effect of compromising Islamic principles. Many Egyptian nationalists were also dissatisfied with Wafd leadership, mainly because of its moderate stances and insistence on secularism.

According to al-Banna's accounts, six unnamed workers affiliated with various Suez Canal companies approached al-Banna in March 1928 with complaints about injustices suffered by Arabs and Muslims at the hand of foreign control. Their complaints resonated with his own concerns; al-Banna became their leader and the Muslim Brothers was created.

At first, the Muslim Brotherhood was only one of many small Islamic associations that existed at the time. Similar to the organizations that al-Banna had himself joined at a young age, these organizations aimed to promote personal piety and engaged in pure charitable activities. By the late 1930s, the Muslim Brotherhood had established branches in every Egyptian province.

A decade later, the organization had 500,000 active members and as many sympathizers in Egypt alone. Its appeal was not limited only to Egypt; its popularity had grown in several other countries. The organization's growth was particularly pronounced after al-Banna relocated their headquarters to Cairo in 1932. The most important factor contributing to this dramatic expansion was the organizational and ideological leadership provided by al-Banna.

In Ismailia, al-Banna preached not only in the mosque but also in the coffee houses; in those times, coffee houses were generally viewed as a morally suspect novelty. When some of his views on relatively minor points of Islamic practice led to strong disagreements with the local religious elite, he adopted the policy of avoiding religious controversies.

Al-Banna was appalled by the many conspicuous signs of foreign military and economic domination in Ismailia: the British military camps, the public utilities, farms, food supply was owned by foreign interests by forces, and the luxurious residences of the foreign employees of the Suez Canal Company, next to the squalid dwellings of the Egyptian workers.

Al-Banna endeavored to bring about reforms through institution-building, relentless activism at the grassroots level, and a reliance on mass communication. He built a complex mass movement that featured sophisticated governance structures; sections in charge of furthering the society's values among peasants, workers, and professionals; units entrusted with key functions, including propagation of the message, liaison with the Islamic world, and press and translation; and specialized committees for finances and legal affairs.

Al-Banna relied on pre-existing social networks―in particular those built around mosques, Islamic welfare associations, and neighborhood groups―to anchor the Muslim Brotherhood into Egyptian society. This weaving of traditional ties into a distinctively modern structure was at the root of his success. Directly attached to the brotherhood, and feeding its expansion, were numerous businesses, clinics, and schools. In addition, members were affiliated with the movement through a series of cells, revealingly called usar ("families").

The material, social and psychological support provided by the Muslim Brotherhood were instrumental to the movement's ability to generate enormous loyalty among its members and to attract new recruits. The movement was built around services and an organizational structure intended to enable individuals to integrate into a distinctly Islamic setting that was shaped by the society's own principles.

Rooted in Islam, Al-Banna's message tackled issues including colonialism, public health, educational policy, natural resources management, social inequalities, pan-Islamism, nationalism, Arab nationalism, the weakness of the Islamic world on the international scene, and the growing conflict in Palestine. By emphasizing concerns that appealed to a variety of constituencies, al-Banna was able to recruit from among a cross-section of Egyptian society—though modern-educated civil servants, office employees, and professionals remained dominant among the organization's activists and decision-makers. Al-Banna was also active in resisting British colonial rule in Egypt.

Al-Banna warned his readers against the "widespread belief among many Muslims" that jihad of the heart was more important and demanding than jihad of the sword. He called on Muslims to prepare for jihad against colonial powers:

Muslims ... are compelled to humble themselves before non-Muslims, and are ruled by unbelievers. Their lands have been trampled over, and their honor besmirched. Their adversaries are in charge of their affairs, and the rites of their religion have fallen into abeyance with their own domains ... Hence it has become an individual obligation, which there is no evading, on every Muslim to prepare his equipment, to make up his mind to engage in jihad, and to get ready for it until the opportunity is ripe and God decrees.

Among the Muslim Brothers' most notable accomplishments during these early years was its involvement in the 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine. The Muslim Brothers launched a pro-Palestine campaign which contributed to making the Palestine issue a widespread Muslim concern. The Muslim Brothers carried out a fundraising campaign said to have relied upon donations from the rural and urban working classes, rather than wealthy Egyptians. In addition to their fundraising efforts, the Muslim Brothers also organized special prayers for Palestinian nationalists, held political rallies, and distributed propaganda. Although the Palestinian Revolt was ultimately suppressed through repression and military action, the Muslim Brothers' impressive mobilization efforts helped make the Palestinian question a pan-Arab concern in the Middle East.

Between 1948 and 1949, shortly after the society sent volunteers to fight against Israel in the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the conflict between the monarchy and the organization reached its climax. Concerned with the Brotherhood's increasing assertiveness and popularity among the masses, as well as being alarmed by rumours that the Brotherhood was plotting a coup against the monarchy and cabinet, Prime Minister Nokrashy Pasha (whose predecessor had been slain by a Brotherhood adherent near the end of World War II) outlawed the organization in December 1948. The Brotherhood's assets were impounded and scores of its members were sent to jail. Following the murder of Nokrashy Pasha by a student member of the Brotherhood, Al-Banna released a statement condemning the assassination and stating that terror is not acceptable in Islam.

On 12 February 1949, al-Banna and his brother-in-law Abdul Karim Mansur were scheduled to negotiate with the government's representative, Minister Zaki Ali Pasha, at the Jama'iyyat al

Shubban al-Muslimeen headquarters in Cairo ― but the minister never arrived. By 5 p.m., al-Banna and his brother-in-law had decided to leave. As they stood waiting for a taxi, they were shot by two men. Al-Banna eventually died from his wounds. King Farouk and his Iron Guard of Egypt were accused of being behind the assassination.

Malcolm X

Malcolm X, one of the martyrs of martyrdom months February, is remembered for the 52nd anniversary of his murder.

"Racism is not an ideological thought, but rather a psychological disease." Malcolm X, who fought against racism and pioneered the spread of Islam in the United States, was martyred during a conference on February 21, 1965.

Malcolm X, entered to the prison from theft, released as a black racist, started to announce the universal message of Islam by seeing in Arabia where he went to Hajj that racism, is not compatible with Islam.

Malcolm X, whose real name was Malcolm Little, came to the world in 1925 as the son of a priest named Earl Little. Malcolm X, who came to the world when the racist attacks on blacks were at the peak in America, their house was burned to death because of racist attacks when he was at the age of five, his father was murdered. Malcolm X, whose mother was hospitalized to the mental hospital after the events, was given to the orphanage. Malcolm X, who began his educational career here, left his education at age 15 and went to Harlem, New York. Malcolm X, involved in theft and drug dealings in Harlem, was arrested in 1946 for the theft and sent to prison.

Malcolm X met with the Nation of Islam movement in prison defending black racism, met a leader Elijah Muhammad when he left prison in 1952, and began a new life. Malcolm X, a shortly known and became co-operative the second name of the movement, began to be watched by the FBI.


Malcolm X

In this period of his life, he accepted Christianity as the religion of whites and Islam only as of the religion of blacks, Malcolm X accepted blacks as superior and argued that blacks and whites should be separated. Malcolm, who started working with this belief and used his surname X to symbolize that he is the anonymous servant of his cause, became the face of his movement with the conferences he gave in his 12-year career.

Malcolm X, who pioneered the opening of new mosques within the framework of mosque-based studies, was instrumental in the participation of many blacks in the movement with the sermons he gave in these mosques.

In time, Malcolm X, which was excluded by Elijah Muhammad due to his ideas, left the organization of "Islamic Ummah" in March 1964 and made a new movement with the name "Muslim Mosque". Later on, he established a non-religious organization in the Afro-American union through the theme of African countries.

Malcolm X went to Arabia for the Hajj visit in April of the same year, left his old ideas as he learned that black and white people of every color were worshiping Allah together and that the real supremacy in Islam was taqwa [piousness].

Malcolm X, explaining this change of mind in a letter written to a recognizing person in America during a Hajj, he used the following expressions, "This Hajj to the most sacred of cities was a very special experience for me, and on the other hand, it gave me some unexpected graces beyond my most stunning dreams."

Malcolm X, who pointed out that his visit to Mecca led his personal spiritual path to a point where he could better understand the depth of Islam, said in his letter: "Who in the Muslim world accepts Islam and cuts off his relationship with being white or black, will be recognized as only ‘human’. Because people here believe that God is one and that people are one, they belong to a single family…

Here there are Muslims of every color and everywhere in the world. During the days I spent in Mecca (Jeddah, Mina, and Muzdalifah), while trying to understand the rituals of Hajj, I ate the same table with the other Kings and authorities, drank from the same glass, and slept on the same rug. With those whose skin is white from whites, their eyes are blue from the most blues, their blondes are the blondest... I looked into their blue eyes and saw that they saw me the same. Because the belief that they were 'one God' had wiped out 'white' from their minds, and this automatically changed their attitudes towards people of different colors. Their faith in 'Unity' made them different from American whites whose color did not have a role in my dialogue with them. The sincere belief in the allegiance and the equal acceptance of all people makes it possible for the non-whites to be equal under the Islamic brotherhood."

Malcolm X changed his name to al-Hac Malik al-Shahbaz with a new life after Hajj turn, emphasized that he participated in the meeting held by the Muslim Mosque in the USA and Afro-American Union Organization and explained Islam and was against racism.

Malcolm X stated that he was doing a lot of things that caused his apology in his previous work, continued to defend the rights of the blacks by refusing racism. However, the new stance and work of Malcolm X began to disturb the former organization's racist "Islamic Ummah" movement. Malcolm X, began to take on the threats, was released from the bombed assault on his car without getting injured, and the house was set on fire after a while. Later, the racist "Islamic Ummah" movement, in which senior executives worked with the FBI, was not satisfied with the attacks and filed a lawsuit for Malcolm X's withdrawal of his residence permit in New York.

Despite all the threats and attacks, Malcolm X did not stop working, continued to criticize the United States for human rights. Despite receiving the assassination notice, the FBI did not take the necessary precautions, opened up the murder of Malcolm X, whom he regarded as a threat to the established order.

Malcolm X lectured at Audubon Hall in Manhattan on February 21, 1965, lost his life with 21 bullets, martyred in an armed attack.

Malcolm X, who struggled with racism in the last period of his life after fully acquainted with Islam, did not hesitate to talk about the persecution and injustice in America.

"Democracy is hypocrisy;

Democracy is hypocrisy.

If democracy is freedom then why our people are not free.

If democracy is justice why do not we have justice?

If democracy is equal why we do not have equality.

Democracy is hypocrisy..." the words today issued, the hypocrisy of the US and its Western allies turned into a bloodbath occupied the Islamic world under the name of democracy had expressed decades ago.

Abbas Moussawi

Moussawi was born into a religious Muslim family in the village of Al-Nabi Shayth in the Beqaa Valley in Lebanon in around 1952.  He spent eight years studying theology in a religious school in Najaf, Iraq, where he was deeply influenced by the views of Iranian Ruhollah Khomeini. Moussawi was a student, at the hawza in Najaf, of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr, an influential Islamic scholar, philosopher, political leader, and founder of the Da'wa Party of Iraq.

Al-Moussawi returned to Lebanon in 1978. Along with Subhi al-Tufayli he spearheaded the formation of the Hezbollah movement in the Beqaa Valley in 1982, one of the three major areas of the Shia population in Lebanon. From 1983 to 1985 he is reported to have served as operational head of the Hezbollah Special Security Apparatus. From late 1985 until April 1988 he was head of Hezbollah's military wing, the Islamic Resistance.

In 1991, Hezbollah had entered a new era with the end of both the Iran–Iraq War and Lebanese Civil War, the Taif Agreement, and the release of the Kuwait 17 bombers. A new leader was thought to be needed to facilitate the release of the Western hostages held by Hezbollah and more importantly to shift Hezbollah's focus to resistance activity against Israel.


Abbas Moussawi

Al Moussawi also promised to "intensify [Hezbollah] military, political and popular action in order to undermine the peace talks." He did not support entering mainstream politics. Unlike other Hezbollah figures, he advocated the acceptance of Taif Agreement, which was the rejection of the theocratic state in Lebanon.

On 16 February 1992, Israeli Apache helicopters fired missiles at the motorcade of al Moussawi in southern Lebanon, killing al Moussawi, his wife, his five-year-old son, and four others.

In retaliation, the Islamic Jihad Organization carried out the Israeli Embassy attack in Buenos Aires. After the attack, the Islamic Jihad Organization declared that it was carried out for the revenge of the martyr infant Hussein, al Musawi's five-year-old son, who had been killed with his father. Later it was revealed by Dieter Bednarz and Ronen Bergman that the original plan of Israel had been just to abduct al Musawi to realize the release of Israeli prisoners. However, Ehud Barak, then Israeli chief of staff, convinced then Israeli Prime Minister Shamir to order his assassination.

Al Musawi was succeeded as Secretary-General of Hezbollah by Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Imad Mughniyeh

Mughniyeh was born in the village of Tayr Dibba, near Tyre, on 7 December 1962 to a family of poor farmers who harvested olives and lemons in the orchards of Lebanon's southern region.

His father's name was Fayez. For some time it was mistakenly thought that he was the son of Jawad (or Javad) Mughniyeh, a religious figure and author. His birth date had also been given as July 1962. Mughniyeh had two younger brothers, Jihad and Fouad. About a decade after Mughniyeh's birth, his father moved the family to southern Beirut. Mughniyeh is described as having been a popular boy and a "natural entertainer" who cracked jokes at family weddings and "worked the crowd with a confidence unusual for a youth his age."

Mughniyeh and his cousin Mustafa Badr Al Din became active in the Palestinian Fatah movement at an early age. Mughniyeh was discovered by fellow Lebanese Ali Abu Hassan Deeb (who would later become a leader in Hezbollah) and quickly rose through the ranks of the movement. In the mid-1970s, Mugniyeh organized the "Student Brigade," a unit of 100 young men that became part of Yasser Arafat's elite Force 17. Mughniyeh temporarily left Fatah in 1981 due to differences of opinion

on the regime of Saddam Hussein. Mughniyeh was a Shiite and deeply religious and was upset by the murder of the Iraqi Grand Ayatollah Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr in 1980 as well as a previous attempt by the Iraqi intelligence on the life of Lebanese Ayatollah Muhammad Hussein Fadlallah.

Fatah was formally in alliance with the Lebanese National Movement, which included the Lebanese pro-Iraqi branch of the Ba’th Party. Mughniyeh and some of his Lebanese Shiite comrades were forced to leave Fatah after engaging in armed confrontations with Ba’th party activists. They had previously organized a body guard unit for Ayatollah Fadlallah and other Shiite clerics in Lebanon. Mughniyeh accompanied Ayatollah Fadlallah on a Hajj pilgrimage in 1980 and thus earned his Hajj title.

Mughniyeh was a student in the engineering department at the American University of Beirut in 1981 when the United States gave the "green light" for Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon in pursuit of the Palestine Liberation Organization.


Imad Mughniyeh

When Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, Mughniyeh was in Iran but hurried back to Beirut where he rejoined Fatah. He participated in the defense of West Beirut, where he was wounded in the fighting. After the withdrawal of PLO forces from Beirut in September 1982, Mughniyeh acquired an important position in the nascent resistance to the Israeli occupation, due to his knowledge of arms caches left behind by the Palestinians. He remained a Fatah member during this period but also worked with other factions, such as the leftist Lebanese National Movement and Islamic resistance groups. Mughniyeh remained a member of Fatah until 1984 when he joined the newly created Islamic Resistance of Hezbollah. However, he remained close to Fatah leader Khalil al-Wazir (Abu Jihad) until the latter's death in 1988. He also remained deeply committed to the Palestine cause throughout his life and apparently founded the secret "Committee for Elimination of Israel" inside Hezbollah in 2000. In later years, and especially after the Oslo accords, Mughniyeh and Hezbollah sided with the more militant Palestinian factions such as Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.

Mughniyeh worked as the chief security for Sayyed Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, a Shiia cleric and a spiritual mentor to many in Lebanon's Shi'a community, whose political consciousness was on the rise. Fadlallah held no formal political role, "opposed violence and sectarian division, and defied growing Iranian influence in Lebanon."

In 1983, Mughniyeh married his cousin, Saada Badr Al Din, who is the sister of Mustafa Badr Al Din. Mughniyeh had three children according to his mother: Fatima (born August 1984), Mustafa (born January 1987), and Jihad (estimated to have been age 25 at death). In September 1991, Mugniyeh's wife and children were sent to Tehran for security reasons. Later his family began to live in south Lebanon. Mughniyeh also married an Iranian woman, Wafaa Mughniyeh, with whom he lived in Damascus.

Imad's younger son, Jihad, was killed in the January 2015 Mazraat Amal incident in the Syrian Golan sector on 18 January 2015. Five other Hezbollah members and an Iranian Quds Force general were also killed in the attack.

According to former CIA agent Robert Baer, "Mughniyah is probably the most intelligent, most capable operative we’ve ever run across, including the KGB or anybody else. He enters by one door, exits by another, changes his cars daily, never makes appointments on a telephone, never is predictable. He only uses people that are loyal to him that he can fully trust. He doesn't just recruit people." He was described as "tall, slender, well-dressed and handsome ... penetrating eyes," speaking some English but better French.

Nasrallah also stated that "Hajj Imad is among the best leaders and commanders in the Lebanese arena. He had an important role during the liberation [of southern Lebanon by Israel] by 2000. But as for his relationship with Hezbollah, we maintain the tradition of not discussing names." Major General Qasem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, has described Mugniyeh as "the legend of our time," grief caused by whose loss was only second to that of Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Soleimani stated that what made Mugniyeh unique was not his expertise in guerrilla warfare but "his attachment to something superterrestrial."

After his death, Mugniyeh acquired a storied and folkloric persona. To many in his home country, Lebanon, and in the Middle East, he symbolizes resistance to foreign military occupation, a hero, and a mastermind who single-handedly drove out the American and Israeli armies. According to his family, he was a dedicated father and had a reputation for modesty, respect, and humility; to the extent that his neighbors in Syria thought he was a driver for the Iranian embassy. According to Iranian Major General Soleimani, Mugniyeh was so courteous that he was never seen boasting to fellow Hezbollah leaders about his unique military record in fighting Israel.

Ragheb Harb

Ragheb Harb was a Lebanese resistance leader and Muslim cleric. He was born in Jibchit in 1952, a village in the Jabal Amel region of Southern Lebanon. Harb was an imam and led the regional Muslim resistance against zionist occupation until being assassinated by Israelis on 16 February 1984.


Ragheb Harb

Danny Abdallah, a Lebanese criminal living in Denmark, admitted to having killed Harb on behalf of the zionist gangs and also claimed to have participated in the kidnapping of Harb's successor, Abdul Karim Obeyd. As a result, Hezbollah put him on their death list, and he is wanted in Lebanon. According to one source, Harb's supporters would go on to form the Lebanese paramilitary and political organization Hezbollah. He belonged to the "Amal Movement" in Lebanon.

Omar Abdurrahman

Sheikh Omar Abdurrahman, the founder and spiritual leader of the Jamaat-i Islami in Egypt, lost his life in US prison, where he has been ill under severe conditions for 23 years.

The distinguished personalities raised by the Islamic people in February were either martyrs as the targets of cruel and unbelievers, or they were exhausted after the years of struggle they had given and delivered their souls to Allah. In February, the last member of this blessed caravan was Sheikh Omar Abdurrahman.

Sheikh Omar Abdurrahman, who was among the distinguished personalities that cut off the February cold with their souls and blood, was sentenced to life imprisonment for 23 years under heavy conditions, claiming that he was responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center in New York and some bombings.

After Donald Trump took over the administration, Abdurrahman said that he had been confiscated on the last phone call with his family that his medicines were not given and his health condition was getting worse, which might be the last talk.

The last 23 years of Sheikh Omar Abdurrahman, who had been tried for years in the struggle for survival and imprisoned several times in Egyptian prisons, for the murder of the Egyptian pharaoh Anwar Sadat, passed in the US prisons.

Omar Abdurrahman, who devoted his life to Islamic studies, was born on May 3, 1935, in Al Jamaliyye, al-Menzile center of Egypt's Dakahlia province, but his struggle with the troubles in the world began with his eyes blind when he was 10-months-old. At the age of five, Abdurrahman started his education life in the "Nur Blinds Madrasah", and he memorized the Qur'an at the age of 11. Abdurrahman received El-Ezher's primary and high school diploma after ten years of education and then moved to Usuluddin Faculty of Ezher University after his high school education. After 5 years educated there, Abdurrahman graduated from the Academy Award in 1965. He was appointed as an imam to a province of Al-Fayyum province. Abdurrahman, who saw that people did not pay attention to the mosques, increased the number of the mosque community in a short period of time.

Abdurrahman, who continued his education as well as his imam, received Master diploma with the dissertation "Forbidden Months" which he had prepared in 1967 after seeing Master's Education known as "Diploma" in Egypt.


Omar Abdurrahman

Abdurrahman, who had been appointed as a traveling preacher to the provincial center after completing his master's degree, started to study the people by touring from mosque to mosque. Abdurrahman, who was appointed as an assistant to the faculty in 1968, continued to work on sermons and khutbas in the mosques. Abdurrahman criticized the Egyptian regime and its practices started to follow intelligence and security in the time of Jamal Abdel Nasser. Abdurrahman was called to testify following the sermons he gave, said later on these proceedings he would say: "When I talked about Pharaoh in my khutbas, the government officials thought that this meant Abdel Nasser. My criticism against the administration of Abdel Nasser became increasingly controversial.

Finally, I was summoned to Ezher at the end of 1969. When I met with the general secretary of the university, he informed me that I was temporarily suspended from duty - with the continuation of my wage to continue - so I began to realize that the criminal practice on the soldiers' side was passed on brink of civilians.

After a while, Abdurrahman was returned to his duty in university, continued to give sermons and preaches on the mosques, sometimes openly and occasionally hidden. In one of his khutba, Abdurrahman gave illicit for the funeral prayer of Abdel Nasser, precluded people from attending the funeral which he was arrested and put in the dungeon. Abdurrahman, who spent 8 months in this first dungeon experience, was arrested several more times due to the investigations that were launched in the following years.

Every step was taken to prevent Abdurrahman’s Islamic studies, who was taken from his University duty and appointed as a high school teacher in Minye. Abdurrahman, who was frequently threatened by the school administration to not meet anyone, nevertheless continued his Islamic studies and continued his education life and secretly completed his remaining doctoral education during this period. Two days a week, he secretly went to the Faculty of Usuluddin in Feyyum and tried to complete his doctoral thesis. Despite all obstacles Abdurrahman completed his doctoral thesis titled with the help of the faculty dean, "Attitudes to the Enemies of the Qur'an in the Sūrat at-Tawbah [The Repudiation]", but he was not appointed as an assistant due to the obstruction of intelligence. Since 1973, when the university administration objected to these obstacles, he continued his university courses until 1977. At the invitation of Saudi Arabia, Abdurrahman went to the Külliyetü'l Benat (Girls' Faculty) at Riyadh University, returned to Egypt again in 1980.

Shortly after he returned to Egypt, Abdurrahman was arrested in the Military State Security Courts in 1981 as leader of Jamat-i Islamic, responsible for the killing of Anwar Sadat. Abdurrahman was acquitted on charges. He was released on September 2, 1984.

Abdurrahman, who was held in house-arrest for one year after he released from the prison, was arrested again in 1985. He was released in the same year but the pressures on Abdurrahman continued to increase.

In the mid-1980s Abdurrahman, who went to Afghanistan where they were continued their resistance against the Soviets occupation, founded Mektebul Hadamatı (Service Bureau) with Abdullah Azzam and Osama Bin Laden, sending volunteers from other countries to the front. Abdurrahman sent the volunteers to the front, and he invited his two sons to Afghanistan for fighting.

Abdurrahman, who was arrested again in Egypt in 1989, was soon released. Abdurrahman, who went to Sudan and settled in the United States after he did not accept by Saudi Arabia in 1990, continued to Islamic study there. Abdurrahman's work, which has carried out invitation work in the USA with Islamic countries, as well as conferences in countries like the Philippines, Switzerland, Germany, England, Sweden, Denmark, and Canada, has begun to disturb the United States.

The US intelligence, which sees Omar Abdurrahman as a threat and has begun to follow, found the opportunity in 1993 with the bombing of the Trade Center in New York City. Omar Abdurrahman was arrested in 1995, accusing him of "bombing" the witnesses, who later released that they are "intelligence officers".

Abdurrahman was sentenced to life imprisonment for working on the destruction of the United States, bombing military installations in the US, and planning to kill Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Abdurrahman was persecuted in prison despite his illnesses such as diabetes, pancreatic cancer, blood pressure, rheumatism, and constant headache, protested these bad conditions with hunger strikes from time to time.

Abdurrahman spent his imprisonment in a wheelchair in cell penalty despite missing his ability to move, summed up his living in a letter he wrote: "The conditions in my prison are very bad, and I am extremely weak”.

“All they demand about freedom of religion and freedom of worship are all unjust. Since I was captured in October 1995, I have not even gotten permission to pray for the Friday prayers, and I have never prayed in the community.”

“I have not been going to cut my hair and nails for months. In my circumstances, someone has been sentenced to cell imprisonment, without helping to organize anyone's belongings.”

I do not have anyone who can talk day or night, since my cell is closed to everyone, they do not let me socialize with the others, nor let anyone that I can speak Arabic with... I stay in this way day and night. What a loneliness, what a tyrant? Is these the human rights that they are much praised and fill in the flow of broadcasts and news media? Are they trying to silence us by torture us and cut off our voice?”

Abdurrahman had been held in jail under heavy conditions for 23 years, had been abandoned to death by cutting off his medicines after Trump took over the administration. Abdurrahman had been on the phone with his family some time ago, said that maybe it might be his last talk. And shortly after that, Sheikh Omar Abdurrahman passed away.

Omar Abdurrahman, the spiritual leader of the Jama'at al-Islamiya, who had the most to announce his name after the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, and who was active in the southern regions, had seven children named Muhammad, Ahmed, Abdullah, Fatima, Abdurrahman, Osama, and Hasan.

You have experienced such violent hardships... As if nothing happened, they have all gone through like the others... Your body language says: "I need good patience now. There is only Allah to emigrate against all of these you are telling.”

Hama: the city where its soil filled with the blood of martyrs

Hama massacre, where 40,000 people were killed on February 2, 1982, remains fresh in memory despite 38 years has passed.

The Baath regime committed a massive massacre in Hama, Syria, killing 40,000 people on February 2, 1982.

On February 2, 1982, the Ba'th regime signed a massive massacre of 40,000 people in Hama, Syria. The city of Hama was surrounded by heavy weapons. The blood of thousands of children, young and old people, has been shed in Hama.

The soil was filled with blood that day. The Hama massacre, which has been one of the most brutal massacres in history, is not forgotten in spite of 38 years.

Hama was one of the most powerful cities in the Islamic movement in Syria. The Hama people and the powerful Islamic opposition, which did not participate in the referendum to change the amendment of the article "The religion of the President is Islam," frightened the Ba'ath regime.

Hafez al-Assad, who could not digest this situation, started various conspiracies. He began to persecute the people for the formation of intimidation conditions long before the massacre. He turned his eyes to the people's lives, goods, honor, and sanctity.

The Syrian army, under the command of Hafez al-Assad's brother, Rifat al-Assad, besieged Hama and started shelling the city of Hama. The city's electricity, water, and phones have been disconnected.

Journalists have been denied access to the area. The Muslim Brotherhood declared jihad from the mosque minarets and tried to protect the city of Hama.

The Syrian army, unable to enter Hama, continued to bomb the city with planes and chemical weapons. Hama was destroyed with heavy weapons.

The massacre, where forty thousand people were killed by the Assad regime, was not the last massacre of the Assad regime. Today, both the people of Hama and other cities of Syria are killed by the same regime.

The Syrian army, which entered the city after demolishing Hama, gathered the remaining innocent people in military camps and stadiums. They were left starving and tortured.

People who wrote Hama on their ID cards were arrested wherever they live in the country. Women were raped. Children died of hunger and fear. People were injured for days and lived with the corps.

800 thousand people from different cities of Syria had to flee their country.

İskilipli Mehmed Atıf Hoca 

İskilipli Mehmed Atıf Hoca was an Islamic Scholar. He was born in Çorum, Turkey. He started his early education in his village. In 1893 he came to Istanbul for Madrasa ("school" in Arabic) education. In 1902 he started Darü'l-fünun ilahiyat Fafültesi (Darü'l-fünun Divinity School). He finished his faculty in 1903 and started working as Ders-i Amm (Ulema, a person who teaches the Madrasa students) in

the Fatih Mosque. He was later arrested and taken to jail several times but freed. He was the founding member of Cemiyet-i Müderrisin together with Mustafa Sabri.

Before the Westernization movement in Turkey, he wrote a book titled Frenk Mukallitliği ve Şapka (literally, Westernization and the (European) Hat) in 1924. In it, he advocated Sharia Law and opposed western influences like "Alcohol, Prostitution, Theater, Dance" and the "western hat".Because the western hat was a symbol of the infidels, and wearing a hat would make Muslims lose their Islamic identity. 


İskilipli Mehmed Atıf Hoca 

After the passing of "The Hat Act", a law that passed on 25 November 1925 and ordered that no other headwear except the western hat was allowed (therefore banning the wearing the fez), people rose in revolt in some provinces, which the government suppressed.

He was arrested and sent to Ankara on 26 December 1925 where he stood trial on 26 January 1926. The attorney general demanded three years of imprisonment, but the court postponed the trial to the next day. The next day, the Hodja declared that he no longer desired to defend himself. He was sentenced to death and martyred by hanging on 4 February 1926.

The Tomb of Atıf Hoca, who was buried in secret from his family, was found 82 years later and buried in the Gülbaba Cemetery in Iskilip district.

El Khalil massacre

The El Khalil massacre that took place in Ibrahim Mosque during the morning prayer was performing on February 25, 1994, in the city of El Khalil of Palestine, 67 Muslims were martyred.

Twenty-three years ago, during Ramadan on February 25, 1994, a massacre was carried out by the invading zionists in the city of El Khalil, Palestine. The slaughter of 67 Muslims and nearly 300 people wounded in the Morning Prayer in the Ibrahim Mosque cannot be forgettable.

The city of El Khalil, one of the distinguished cities of Palestine in the Prophets region, was second targeted by zionists after Jerusalem. Jews intended to invade Ibrahim Mosque and turn it into a Jewish synagogue.

Muslims gathered in the mosque during the Morning Prayer on the 15th of Ramadan, on Fridays, turned to Allah with their immaculate bodies and kept in the bullet rain coming from behind while they in ruku and prayed in peace and submission to Allah. Those bullets that pierced the grudges of the invading zionists were aimed at the clean bodies of Muslims who were in ruku in front of Allah.

The world remained silent against the massacre of El Khalil where 67 Muslims martyred and nearly 300 Muslims were wounded. This atrocity was inflicted on the world public by the invaders as a murder committed by an overly religious Jew who was not intellectually sympathetic named Barush Goldstien.

However, the fact that the massacre was not done by a mysterious zionist monster alone was evident in the expression of witnesses after the massacre. In the following days, a witness of witnesses who had witnessed the day of the massacre conveyed the following:

“While we were making the first rakat, a Jewish person dressed in a military dress came to next to us. There was a headset in his ears. This person began to shoot at us. The second person next to him was filling his gun as the magazine was empty. I have used to come to the morning prayers. Other times every day there were thirty-forty soldiers here. But on that day there were only seven soldiers at the outer door. There was no one at the inner door, which was constantly seven or eight soldiers were waiting. I did not see any soldiers at that door that morning. When the aggressive Jew started shooting at us, the outside soldiers went in and started throwing tear gas at us.”

In the massacre, which was not limited to the assault carried out on the mosque alone, assistance to the injured Muslims was also prevented. It was also witnessed by eyewitnesses and by people who were carrying patients to the hospital when the zionists opened fire.

The "press and broadcast" dogs those tie with Zionism reflected their brutal massacres of occupying zionists in the form of "Individual Action" while Muslim Palestinian people made every effort to accept the independence and existence struggle as "Terrorism". The occupying Zionists, however, have been carrying out all these massacres in a planned manner, but have practically resorted to the "Individual Action" method in order to prevent their ugly face from being seen by the world public opinion. It was frequently mentioned by injured Palestinian Muslims that the attacks were planned and prepared.


The Islamic Resistance Movement HAMAS, who condemned the massacre carried out by the terror network on February 25, 1994, made the following comment on that day:

“The massacre carried out by zionist killers in the middle of the blessed Ramadan month, on holy Friday and in the city of Khalilurrahman, took place at the Ibrahim Mosque while Muslims were praying, is a demonstration of their hatred against Islam and Muslims. This massacre was not the only target of the Palestinian people. On the contrary, it is clearly an attack directed towards Islamic belief and its civilization.”

Barush Goldstein is actually a portrayal of the ideology of zionism that holds the Palestinian lands under occupation. This person who was a doctor showed that he was actually a murderer with the massacre he did. Goldstien, a US citizen, settled in the occupied territories and began to sit in the Kiryat Arba Jewish settlement of the terrorist nest. This person was a former member of the Kach terrorist organization. He was one of the strictest followers of terrorist Rabbi Meir Kahane. The terrorist had also served as reserve officers for three years in the zionist army.

After the massacre by the zionists on February 24, 1994, the Ibrahim Mosque (Khalilurrahman Mosque) was kept closed for more than 9 months, and when it was reopened its half was organized as a synagogue. Muslims and Jews have the right to use the entire mosque and synagogue on special days of 10 days each year, although the status of the mosque remains the same as agreed with the Hebron Protocol. As in Masjid al-Aqsa, occupation zionists did not allow Muslims to worship in Ibrahim Mosque. Muslims who go to worship to the mosque in the siege are often prevented and being detained. 

Sheikh Mohammed Zeki Atak

Sheikh Mohammed Zeki Atak, who was martyred by PKK on February 19, 1992, due to his Islamic activities in Cizre, is remembered at his martyrdom anniversary.

Sheikh Mohammad Zeki Atak, who was targeted by PKK because of his Islamic activities in Cizre and murdered on February 19, 1992, as a result of an ambush by PKK.

Sheikh Mohammed Zeki, who was born from a Sufistic family in the village of Güneyçam (Navyan) of Şırnak in 1957, started to educate the madrasa sciences from a small age.

Sheikh Mohammad Zeki, who studied in the madrasas in various places of the region for the education of science after finishing elementary school in the village and took lessons in the science of time, began to make an honorary imam in the surrounding villages by completing madrasa in his 20 years old.


Sheikh Mohammed Zeki Atak

Imam soon became a teacher of the Quran after taking a diploma from Imam Hatip High School and started to teach the Quran course in the Red Madrasa [Medresa Sor] of Sheikh Ahmedé Cezeri in Cizre.

Imam was always the first in the beautiful reading competitions reading of Qur’an. Then he made a change of duty in order to better serve Islam and became a mosque imam. He also built a mosque with the support he received from the people of Cizre, where he also had his home. He had already built adjacent rooms to this mosque which carries his name and turned it into a madrasa. There were students who came to take classes during the day, as well as the students who were boarding in this madrasa. Seyda, chatting with the mosque community almost every night, gave them fiqh [Islamic laws] and sirat [prophetic biography] lessons. He was teaching the Qur'an to those who did not know how to read the Qur'an.

Metin Yüksel

On July 17, 1958, he was born on the Kolongo plateau of Bitlis province. His father is Molla Sadreddin Yüksel, a well-known Islamic scholar in the Islamic world, and his mother is the daughter of Sheikh Masum, from Nurshin, well-known sheiks of the East.

In his childhood years, he moved to Istanbul's Fatih neighborhood along with his family. Metin Yüksel also took his primary and secondary school education here. Despite all of his father's insistence, he leaves school and takes the education of Islamic science from many relatives, especially his father.


Metin Yüksel

On October 26, 1977, Yüksel, who was attacked by eight left-wing people with three friends in front of Darüşşafaka High School, wounded with 3 bullets, 2 of which were hit his stomach and one of which was on his knee.

On February 23, 1979, Metin Yüksel, who was armed attacked after the Friday prayer on the close of the Fatih Mosque, reached martyrdom.

Metin Yüksel, buried in Istanbul-Edirnekapı Necatibey Martyrdom.

Molla Gıyaseddin Barlak

Molla Gıyaseddin Barlak, who became the target of evils in Tatvan, district of Bitlis, due to his Islamic services and massacred on February 24, 1994, by the confessors of the deep state those were taken temporarily from the prison, is given mercy and gratitude on the anniversary of his martyrdom.

Molla Gıyaseddin, was born in the Yünkuşak village of Özalp district of Van, where his father was an honorary imam in 1966, settled in Gercüş district of his hometown Batman in 1974.Molla Gıyaseddin started his education life here, went to the mosque to get the education of the Qur'an. In childhood, his commitment to community and mosque, his success and his manner of the school was always appreciated by elders and colleagues.

Molla Gıyaseddin completed the first, middle, and high school in Gercüş. After high school, he started madrasah for Islamic education in Siirt, Gercüş, Silvan, Ergani, Cizre, and Sason. Molla Gıyaseddin, who received madrasa education on the one hand, he finished Mardin İmam Hatip High School on the other hand with open education.

He won the imam test in 1990. Molla Gıyaseddin, was intelligent, well-behaved, and successful, was loved by the environment and his friends. His loyalty to the Islamic dawah, his harmony with his friends, his good-humored, his fondness for the youth reading the Qur'an, his commitment to the mosque and the congregation was making his friends envious.


Molla Gıyaseddin Barlak

Molla Gıyaseddin, who was also a tradesman for a while, did not hesitate to sacrifice for the dawah by making an effort to educate young people with Islamic morality. After passing the imam test, he waited for three years, and then in 1993, he started to work as a muezzin in the Tatvan district of Bitlis. Molla Gıyaseddin tried to direct the young people to the community, started to give many Islamic lessons, especially the Qur'anic lecture, by bringing together friends in a short time.

Islamic studies, good moral values ​​, and the importance he gave to children in Tatvan were soon learned by everyone. This work of Molla Gıyaseddin, which looked at with envy by local people, disturbed the devilish focal. The devilish forces, who felt raw about his studies, began to threaten the families of the children who joined the Qur'an course. Devilish state deep forces tried to demotivate Molla Gıyaseddin at his work with threats, saturation, and intimidation but couldn’t. Then they decide to kill Molla Gıyaseddin as the last resort.

Dark hands decide to display another scene of the persecution and massacres in Tatvan that they have carried out in Kurdistan geography. For this, Molla Gıyaseddin was chosen as the target. They wanted to launch a new conflict process in Tatvan by offloading the murder blame on PKK, which PKK was already slaughtered many Muslims in Kurdistan. The deep forces who have committed these treacherous schemes, demand Murat Kurtboğan, a confessor prisoner from Bitlis Prison, and another confessor named Nurettin to kill Molla Gıyaseddin.

When history shows that on February 24, 1994, after the tarawih prayer has performed in the mosque, Molla Gıyaseddin took to way home without being aware of the treacherous ambush. Public executioner of the state implements their treacherous plan. The traitors take advantage of the darkness in the evening and cross-fired on Molla Gıyaseddin. Molla Gıyaseddin, who disrupts the silence of the darkness with the Takbir voice, gave his soul to Allah.

Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev

Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev was a writer and a politician, who served as acting president of the breakaway Chechen Republic of Ichkeria between 1996 and 1997. In 2004 Yandarbiyev was assassinated in exile in Qatar.

Originally a literary scholar, poet, and children's literature writer Yandarbiyev became a leader in the Chechen nationalist movement as the Soviet Union began to collapse. In July 1989, he founded the Bart (Unity) Party, a democratic party that promoted the unity of Caucasian ethnic groups against "Russian imperialism". In May 1990, he founded and led the Vainakh Democratic Party (VDP), the first Chechen political party, which was committed to an independent Chechnya. The VDP initially represented both Chechen and Ingush until their split after Chechnya's declaration of independence from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

In November 1990 he became a deputy chairman to the newly formed All-National Congress of the Chechen People (NCChP), which was led by Dzhokhar Dudayev and which ousted the Soviet-era leadership. With Dudayev, he signed an agreement with Ingush leaders splitting the joint Chechen-Ingush republic in two. In the first Chechen parliament, from 1991–1993, Yandarbiyev headed the media committee. In April 1993 he was appointed as the Vice President of Ichkeria by Dudayev.

In April 1996, following the assassination of his predecessor Dzhokhar Dudayev, he became an Acting President. In late May 1996, Yandarbiyev headed a Chechen delegation that met President of Russia Boris Yeltsin and Prime Minister of Russia Viktor Chernomyrdin for peace talks at the Kremlin that resulted in the signature of a ceasefire agreement on May 27, 1996.


Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev

In 1997, during the signing of the Russian-Chechen Peace Treaty in Moscow, Yandarbiyev famously forced his Russian counterpart, President Yeltsin, to change seats at a negotiating table so he would be received like a head of sovereign state. Yandarbiyev stood in the presidential election held in Chechnya in February 1997 but was defeated by the Chechen separatist top military leader, General Aslan Maskhadov, getting 10 percent of the votes and landing third behind Maskhadov and Shamil Basayev. In August–September 1999, Yandarbiyev was assumed as a key figure behind the invasion by the Islamic International Brigade-led coalition of Islamist guerrillas on the neighboring Russian republic of Dagestan. At the beginning of the Second Chechen War, Yandarbiyev traveled abroad to Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the United Arab Emirates and eventually settled in Qatar in 1999, where he sought to obtain Muslim support for the Chechen cause.

On February 13, 2004, Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev was martyred when a bomb ripped through his SUV in the Qatari capital, Doha. Yandarbiyev was seriously wounded and died in hospital. His 13-year-old son Daud was seriously injured. Some, but not all, reports said two of his bodyguards were killed, but this has not been confirmed.

The day after the attack, Qatari authorities arrested three Russians in a Russian embassy villa. One of them, the first secretary of the Russian Embassy in Qatar, Aleksandr Fetisov, was released in March due to his diplomatic status. The remaining two, GRU agents Anatoly Yablochkov (also known as Belashkov) and Vasily Pugachyov (sometimes misspelled as Bogachyov), were charged with the assassination of Yandarbiyev, an assassination attempt of his son Daud Yandarbiyev, and smuggling weapons into Qatar. The Qatari prosecutors concluded that the suspects had received the order to murder Zelimkhan Yandarbiev from Sergei Ivanov personally.

On June 30, 2004, both Russians were sentenced to life imprisonment; passing the sentence, the judge stated that they had acted on orders from the Russian leadership. (ILKHA)