“The deployment of Turksat 5B will enhance the speed and capacity of our data transmission by more than 15 times. This way, broadband satellite internet service will be available to users within the coverage area, including land, sea, or air vehicles in areas with limited internet access,” Erdoğan said.

Erdoğan said that he was excited to witness another moment of pride for Turkey and the Turkish nation.

Noting that the Turksat 5A satellite had been launched with a Falcon 9 rocket in January and put into service in June, Erdoğan said, “Today, we launched Turksat 5B, our country’s most powerful and highest-capacity communication satellite, into space. Once again, we opted for Space X’s Falcon 9 rocket for this satellite project. On behalf of myself and my nation, I commend Mr. (Elon) Musk and Space X for not giving in to the blackmail and pressure of the anti-Turkey lobbies.”

Stating that the Turksat 5B satellite will serve as a backup to the Turksat 3A and Turksat 4A satellites, which operate on the 42 degrees East orbit and are tasked with the responsibility of television broadcasting, Erdoğan added:

“Additionally, the deployment of Turksat 5B will enhance the speed and capacity of our data transmission by more than 15 times. This way, broadband satellite internet service will be available to users within the coverage area, including land, sea, or air vehicles in areas with limited internet access. Our satellite, which has a maneuver life of more than 35 years, will secure the frequency and orbital rights on 42 degrees East orbit. I wish that our Turksat 5B satellite, which will bolster our communication capabilities even further, would be auspicious for our country and nation.”

Erdoğan expressed his hope that the productive relationship with Space X in the realm of space operations would continue to flourish and thanked everyone who had done him proud.

Turkey’s new satellite, Turksat 5B, was successfully launched into space at 06:58 local time from the Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in the US state of Florida.

Vice President Fuat Oktay and Minister of Transport and Infrastructure Adil Karaismailoğlu attended the “TURKSAT 5B Satellite Launch Ceremony” held at TURKSAT AŞ Gölbaşı Campus. (ILKHA)
