The Hope Caravan Foundation, which has taken on the task of being a bridge between rich and poor, acts with the mission of delivering humanitarian aid to those who are persecuted or otherwise in need, regardless of their religion, language, race, or sect.

The foundation opened six wells for drinking water in rural areas of Bamako, Malian capital, aiming not only to give people access to drinkable water but also protecting them against waterborne diseases.

Speaking to Ilke News Agency, Cengiz Kurtaran, the head of Hope Caravan Foundation, said: “Millions of people in African countries need clean water due to the scorching heat. They have to walk many kilometers every day to get dirty and unhealthy waters.”

Noting that they continue to drill water wells to solve the water crisis, Kurtaran said: “In this continent where people die of thirst every day, we are opening water wells that will quench the thirst of our brothers and will serve as a life for them. May Allah be pleased with our benefactors. May Allah grant the highest peak of Jannah and forgive his sins.”

Cengiz Kurtaran

“The wells that we have opened to facilitate the lives of our oppressed and needy brothers not only meet their need for healthy and clean water that they can use all the time, but also lead to the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the region,” Kurtaran added. (ILKHA)