Speaking at the opening ceremony of 1000 Schools in Vocational Training Project that was held at Beştepe Nation’s Convention and Culture Center, Erdoğan said: “We as government are working to ensure that education continues uninterruptedly while also strengthening our education infrastructure with new investments.”

Noting that following the opening ceremony of the academic year 2021-2022, face-to-face education began at all levels of education from preschools to universities, Erdoğan said: “It has been 5 weeks and thankfully, our educational activities continue successfully without any serious problem.”

“We are working to ensure that education continues uninterruptedly”

Underscoring that the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Health took all the necessary measures to ensure the process ran smoothly, Erdoğan said: “We as government are working to ensure that education continues uninterruptedly while also strengthening our education infrastructure with new investments.”

“We have gathered here today on the occasion of the 1000 Schools in ‘Vocational Training Project’ which was completed within the past year. Through this project, which we implemented to strengthen vocational training, we have invested TL1 billion in a year in predetermined schools. As part of the project, we have built a thousand libraries in a thousand schools as well as 10 thousand smartboards and a thousand physics-chemistry-biology laboratories. Also, we have strengthened already-existing vocational laboratories and workshops. In order to boost production at these schools as part of the working capital management, we have established 544 new laboratories and workshops and upgraded 282 workshops. As part of the project, we renewed and repaired a thousand vocational schools, addressed their shortcomings. Today, we are also inaugurating, in addition to ‘1000 Schools in Vocational Training Project,’ 50 R&D centers at vocational and technical schools in 24 provinces,” Erdoğan said. (ILKHA)