Mehmet Eşin underlined that the decisions taken by the zionist occupation authority and its courts regarding the Al Aqsa Mosque compound are invalid, illegal, and uncivilized.

“The stature of the Al Aqsa Mosque cannot be subject to zionist courts,” Eşin emphasized. 

“The decision of the Zionist court is null and void”

Emphasizing that the main goal of the Jews is to establish a zionist state with Jerusalem as its capital, Eşin said: “A Jerusalem without Masjid-Aqsa is of no importance. Therefore, after occupying and demolishing Masjid al-Aqsa, they want to establish a Jewish Synagogue in its place. The Zionist court ruled that Jews could pray quietly in Masjid al-Aqsa. The Zionist regime itself is already an occupier. It is an occupation regime with its so-called courts, soldiers, police, and all its institutions. The status of Masjid al-Aqsa is determined by international agreements. The decision of the Zionist court is null and void. With such decisions, they want to normalize this step by step in the eyes of Muslims and occupy the Masjid al-Aqsa as a fait accompli and prevent Muslims from entering.”

“The lands of Jerusalem will be liberated and a free Palestine will be established in those lands”

Eşin said: “All Muslims, Hamas, Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, and other resistance groups severely criticized the decision. They also stated that this decision is null and void and that if the attacks on Masjid al-Aqsa continue, there will be a response. Hopefully, their plans will not work and they will never reach their goals. During the recent attacks on Gaza, Operation al-Quds Sword, the cause of Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa have come to the center. Hopefully, the plans of the Zionists will fail, the lands of Jerusalem will be liberated and a free Palestine will be established in those lands.”

“If Muslims unite around Jerusalem, the Zionist regime will no longer have power”

Call on all Muslims to keep Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa be on the agenda all the time, not just when attacked, Eşin concluded his remarks as follows:

“Jerusalem and Masjid al-Aqsa are a common issue for Muslims and should always be on the agenda. For this, Muslims should be in unity among themselves. At the moment, the Zionist regime finds the courage to show this recklessness, not because the zionist regime is strong, but because the Muslims are scattered and because they spend their energy while fighting each other. Although it will take a long time, I hope there will be unity among Muslims. Muslims will unite around the cause of Jerusalem, and when they unite, it will not be possible for the Zionist regime to stay and rule there.” (ILKHA)